"Rhône": list of contracting authorities

This page lists administrations and contracting authorities involved in public procurement located in Rhône.

Tot. page: 1 (6 items)

  • 1 (current)
# official name town postal code country views
1 chu Lyon Lyon Cedex 08 69373 FR - France 42
2 crous de Lyon/Saint-Etienne Lyon Cedex 07 69365 FR - France 51
3 EDF SA, Direction des achats Groupe, DOAP SE LYON 69007 FR - France 37
4 EDF SA LYON 69007 FR - France 32
5 métropole de Lyon Lyon 69505 FR - France 32
6 uniha GCS Lyon 69003 FR - France 36
  • 1 (current)