List of tenders issued by "Landesholding Burgenland GmbH"

This page lists tenders issued by the contract authority "Landesholding Burgenland GmbH" 7000 - Marktstraße 3 Eisenstadt Burgenland(more) [Austria].

Tot. page: 1 (1 items)

  • 1 (current)

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  • 2024 Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security [1]

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  • 2024 Printing and related services [1]

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  • 2024 Printing services [1]

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  • 2024 Services related to printing [1]

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  • 2024 Printed matter and related products [1]

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  • 2024 Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines [1]

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  • 2024 Postal services related to newspapers and periodicals [1]

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  • 2024 Advertising and marketing services [1]

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  • 2024 Customer-care services [1]

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  • 2024 Marketing services [1]
    • 1 (current)