List of tenders issued by "HRVATSKE CESTE d.o.o. Zagreb"

This page lists tenders issued by the contract authority "HRVATSKE CESTE d.o.o. Zagreb [55545787885]" 10000 - Vončinina 3 Zagreb Hrvatska(more) [Croatia].

Tot. page: 1 (1 items)

  • 1 (current)

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  • 2024 Fire engines [1]
  • # title info cpv deadline
    1 Nabava vatrogasnih vozila za potrebe vatrogasnih intervencija na državnim cestama
    contract notice

    HRVATSKE CESTE d.o.o. Zagreb
    (Body governed by public law; Other)

    Contract Nature
    Restricted procedure
    European Union
    Type of bid
    Submission for all lots
    Award criteria
    The most economic tender
    • 1 (current)