List of participations for "O.S.K. LEDPHARM LIMITED"

This page lists all notices available in open-ted portal for the company "O.S.K. LEDPHARM LIMITED [14780]" 10, Ιακώβου Πατάτσου Λεμεσός Κύπρος  / Kýpros [Cyprus]

Tot. page: 1 (1 items)

  • 1 (current)

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# title Contracting authority cpv
1 Προσφορά για την προμήθεια Pyridostigmine Φ.Υ.Υ. 116/2023 (ΟΑΥ)
contract award notice
Υπουργείο Υγείας
(Ministry or any other national or federal authority; Health)
 Medicinal products for the nervous system
  • 1 (current)