List of participations for "UNISTAR LC, zastopstvo, izdelava in vzdrževanje računalniške opreme in računalniških aplikacij d.o.o. Ljubljana"

This page lists all notices available in open-ted portal for the company "UNISTAR LC, zastopstvo, izdelava in vzdrževanje računalniške opreme in računalniških aplikacij d.o.o. Ljubljana [5302722000]" Litostrojska cesta 56 Ljubljana Slovenija [Slovenia]

Tot. page: 1 (1 items)

  • 1 (current)

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# title Contracting authority cpv
1 Javno naročilo za oddajo naročila blaga po odprtem postopku za nadgradnjo sistema za varnostno arhiviranje MNZ in dobavo licenc HCL
contract award notice
(Ministry or any other national or federal authority; General public services)
 Computer equipment and supplies
 Data-processing machines (hardware)
 Computer-related equipment
 Media storage and reader devices
 Miscellaneous computer equipment
 Parts, accessories and supplies for computers
 Miscellaneous software package and computer systems
 Software programming and consultancy services
 Systems and technical consultancy services
 Custom software development services
 Software-related services
 Computer-related services
 Computer upgrade services
 Computer-related professional services
 Computer support services
 Computer network services
  • 1 (current)