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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EDD Project (A new EDD detector will give a knowledge for crystallography with the objective to understand nanostructures and for the development of new materials)


Thanks to it experience in electron microscopy techniques, NewTec has understood that the actual EBSD concept was the weak point for characterization of materials under stress at nanometric level. Based on our optical know-how linked to the electron microscopy skill, we...


Thanks to it experience in electron microscopy techniques, NewTec has understood that the actual EBSD concept was the weak point for characterization of materials under stress at nanometric level. Based on our optical know-how linked to the electron microscopy skill, we imagine a specific technology with crystal associated to a camera at TV speed. More than a simple replacement of low light camera used on current instruments, we have developed a photonic calculator conditioning the photonic signal at light speed.
We initiated a physical demonstrator in order to verify the concept. The results of the demonstrator have confirmed the validity of the concept and led to a patent that validate the innovation of the concept.
For the phase 1, the main objective was to demonstrate that our pilot will is relevant for use in SEM environment (under vacuum in an electron field environment) and to find partners to reach our ambitions.

Work performed

The initial prototype for EDD (Electron Diffraction Detector) concept has been tested on a table. The first task was also to manufacture a lab prototype adapted to SEM and to prove the reality of the concept working inside a vacuum chamber with the photonic calculator. Different tests have been realized on reference samples. Results obtained have confirmed the concept by imaging crystallographic plans but with a too poor quality to be exploited as it is.
A new prototype has been drawn to adapt to our SEM LEO 440 and has been realized in our laboratory. A software for engineering has been developed to control the EDD system and to adapt to video in of the SEM. Different tests have been done on reference samples (one supplied by the ONERA and one supplied by the Ecole des Mines de St Etienne) in order to optimize the detector performances.
With the developped amplification chain the results were better but the signal was not enough for the expected performances for cristallography but the feasibility was proved. We know the different points to improve the efficiency of EDD and this part will be done on the realization of the industrial prototype on the phase 2.

Final results

We will target a new approach for the final instrument, which will be developed on the phase 2 of this program.
The final instrument insert in a SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) will composed by:
• EDD detector
• Tensile stage (Cooling-Heating)
• The optical macroscope the MEB-Iris.
• Automated software control to pilot the test during hours or days
With such a detector it will be possible to understand materials at nanometric scale.

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