The open-H2020 observatory is a simple way to browse and discover the projects developed within the H2020 programme. Using the available CORDIS-opendata, visitors can easily discover the most interesting projects, have a rough idea of their topic, take a look on partnership composition and geographical distribution. Visitors are enabled also to see how EC-fundings have been split amongst partners, when the project started and finished and much more.
The open-h2020 observatory has been conceived and developed by Fabio Disconzi. No bureaucracy has been involved in the development of the H2020 observatory (otherwise it wouldn't be online yet). Data are improved according to CORDIS opendata updating (once a month).
Results (please type some words).
Open-H2020 observatory is an initiative of a private citizen who is appassionate about opendata and web development. Open-h2020 facts and figures comes from the CORDIS opendata, available here European opendata Portal.
For each project visitors are enable to easily understand main characteristics of the project like: geographical distribution of the partnership (thanks to the interactive map), the main topic (thanks to the cloud of words), partnership composition and EC-funding distribution (thanks to the partnership table), the starting and finish date and much more.
Since Horizon 2020 is the current ongoing research programme many projects don't have complete data. CORDIS data are updated roughly once a month.
Horizon 2020 is open to everyone.
Last update: 2018-october-09.
The following interactive map shows the distribution of EC-contributions within the Horizon 2020 programme for the European Union members (28 countries in 2016).
# | country | num. projects | tot. contribution |
1 | Germany | 15˙308 | 7˙673˙217˙675 |
2 | United Kingdom | 14˙166 | 6˙559˙774˙756 |
3 | Spain | 12˙797 | 4˙657˙138˙704 |
4 | Italy | 11˙638 | 4˙215˙162˙927 |
5 | France | 11˙579 | 5˙701˙482˙310 |
6 | Netherlands | 7˙962 | 4˙008˙897˙407 |
7 | Belgium | 6˙005 | 2˙551˙141˙542 |
8 | Greece | 3˙800 | 1˙195˙122˙538 |
9 | Sweden | 3˙768 | 1˙771˙679˙361 |
10 | Austria | 3˙608 | 1˙442˙659˙288 |
11 | Denmark | 3˙011 | 1˙345˙605˙159 |
12 | Portugal | 2˙710 | 830˙674˙702 |
13 | Finland | 2˙632 | 1˙152˙853˙411 |
14 | Ireland | 2˙186 | 903˙284˙015 |
15 | Poland | 1˙973 | 537˙061˙223 |
16 | Czech Republic | 1˙265 | 364˙851˙486 |
17 | Romania | 1˙130 | 207˙636˙017 |
18 | Hungary | 1˙130 | 290˙732˙798 |
19 | Slovenia | 999 | 278˙229˙387 |
20 | Cyprus | 664 | 233˙359˙568 |
21 | Bulgaria | 645 | 113˙716˙040 |
22 | Estonia | 615 | 192˙088˙525 |
23 | Croatia | 554 | 99˙807˙010 |
24 | Slovakia | 477 | 102˙455˙712 |
25 | Lithuania | 446 | 70˙146˙544 |
26 | Luxembourg | 424 | 141˙160˙770 |
27 | Latvia | 384 | 78˙515˙107 |
28 | Malta | 170 | 26˙765˙140 |
# | nazione | 112˙046 | 46˙745˙219˙122 |
The Horizon 2020 (H2020) is the current European Research and Innovation programme with nearly 80 billion euro of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. For more information about the H2020 programme visit the website:
Programme sections are:
The open-H2020 observatory lists the EU projects developed within the Horizon 2020 programme. Data are provided by the European Union Open Data Portal which provides data also about the Seventh Framework programme (take a look of the 7FP observatory, only in italian language), the Sixth Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP6) from 2002 to 2006, data on all projects funded by the European Union under the Fifth Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP5) from 1998 to 2002, etc.
Have you ever heard anything about these Horizon 2020 projects?
Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2020/2021.
Cost: 225˙597€ / Contrib: 225˙597€
Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of the Slovak SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network in 2019
Cost: 72˙715€ / Contrib: 72˙715€
Services to enhance the innovation amangement capacity of SMEs in Roamania macro-region 1
Cost: 39˙176€ / Contrib: 39˙176€