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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MILANO ROBOT (Minimal Invasive Light Automatic Natural Orifice Robotic Platform)


In the world of surgical medicine there is a major trend towards minimizing the number and size of skin incisions necessary to execute surgeries. This is very appealing from patients’ perspective, reducing or completely eliminating abdominal wall aggression and reducing...


In the world of surgical medicine there is a major trend towards minimizing the number and size of skin incisions necessary to execute surgeries. This is very appealing from patients’ perspective, reducing or completely eliminating abdominal wall aggression and reducing post-operative pain. Less invasive surgery is also a major component of shorter hospital stays and quicker return to day-to-day activities by the patient. This benefits the patient, the healthcare system and the social-economic environment in general. Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) is seen as the new frontier of this ongoing trend. However, SILS is very challenging for surgeons, because of the major constraints imposed by both the mode of access and the limited technology currently available. ValueBioTech (VBT) is an SME that intends to address this problem through highly advanced robotics technology. This technology is designed to take the robot into the abdomen, and provide (intra abdominal) the various tools necessary to perform a surgical procedure.

Work performed

During the reporting period we performed market research, commissioned a regulatory strategy report and a reimbursement overview of the US and German healthcare systems for four main surgical procedures, and elaborated a technical development plan and financial model outlining the business case both in the R&D and commercialization stages.
The main result achieved is a defendable business plan for the development of an innovative computer-assisted robotic surgical platform for Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery, supported by a clear regulatory pathway and a detailed overview of the financial reimbursements that healthcare providers are able to receive for the main procedures the company will initially target.

Final results

The expected final result of this project is a business plan presentable to VC funds and industrial partners that will present a convincing investment argument. The aim was and remains to obtain financing the next rounds of development of the robotic surgical platform: pre-clinical stage and clinical trials stage.

One of the potential socio-economic impacts is the creation of a major European player in the fast growing CARS market, currently dominated by US companies. The MILANO Robot can lead the paradigm shift, which will make robotic surgical platforms safer, reducing intra and post operational complications for patients, and economically affordable for healthcare providers worldwide.

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