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Q4HEALTH project deliverables

The page lists 7 deliverables related to the research project "Q4HEALTH".

 List of Deliverables

Q4HEALTH: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

Experiment F Integrated Experiment Report and Global KPI Analysis

This deliverable will include a report on the work done in Experiment F and the showcase. In addition the report will include a global KPI analysis for the final integrated experiment (F).

Programme: H2020-EU.2.1.1. - Topic(s): ICT-12-2015

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Documents, reports 2019-05-30

EPC Experiment C Report

This deliverable will include a report on the work done in Experiment C on Group Video over OpenFlow at Adjacent Marco Cell. The report will include a KPI analysis for this experiment (C).

Programme: H2020-EU.2.1.1. - Topic(s): ICT-12-2015

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Documents, reports 2019-05-30

Radio Experiment D and E Report

\"This deliverable will include a report on the work done in Experiment D Measurement campaign of Scheduling Optimisation for Priority Video and Experiment E Application Controlled In Building Handover. The report will include a KPI analysis for these experiments (D, E).\"\"\"

Programme: H2020-EU.2.1.1. - Topic(s): ICT-12-2015

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Documents, reports 2019-05-30

EPC Experiment A and B Report

D2.1 EPC Experiment A and B report (Month 15)

This deliverable will include a report on the work done in Experiment A Application to EPC Service Control and Experiment B Application Controlled In Building Handover. The report will include a KPI analysis for these experiments (A, B).

Programme: H2020-EU.2.1.1. - Topic(s): ICT-12-2015

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Documents, reports 2019-05-30

Final version of dissemination report

This document is a final version of the dissemination results. The document will include a report on peer reviewed paper submission, white papers, conference presentations, exploitation engagements and other dissemination activities. The report will also include status of dissemination actions at the end of the project and a forward looking view for any post project dissemination actions.

Programme: H2020-EU.2.1.1. - Topic(s): ICT-12-2015

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Documents, reports 2019-05-30

First version of dissemination plan

This document is a first version of the dissemination plan. The document will include plans for peer reviewed paper submission, white papers, conference presentation, exploitation engagements and other dissemination activities.

Programme: H2020-EU.2.1.1. - Topic(s): ICT-12-2015

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Documents, reports 2019-05-30

Public Final Report

Final Report of Project - Public Summary

Programme: H2020-EU.2.1.1. - Topic(s): ICT-12-2015

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Documents, reports 2019-05-30