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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results



The Lightware LLC preferred innovative developments in the last 17 years. We are making new, unique, previously not applied solutions, so we are always in forefront of technology researching. Our aim was to assess further the technical and commercial feasibility of...


The Lightware LLC preferred innovative developments in the last 17 years. We are making new, unique, previously not applied solutions, so we are always in forefront of technology researching.
Our aim was to assess further the technical and commercial feasibility of Lightware’s new product family, UBEX and to prepare for the finalization of the development work. The methodology used through the investigation included market assessment and analysis, technological feasibility analysis, review of relevant regulations on the target market, analysis of available business and market data and consultation with various stakeholders, experts, end-user and distribution channel representatives.

Work performed

The objectives set were reached by executing five Tasks.
The Professional AudioVisual market was analysed and the user segments were identified. The early adopter segment of the high end ProAV market is not price sensitive looking for solutions to transmit higher a higher resolution content to ever growing displays.
After setting the proof of concept and validating the technology, we specified the first products and made a development plan.
Manufacturing, packaging and component costs of the commercial devices were defined. Further potential component suppliers were identified and evaluated.
Marketing/distribution channels and strategies were evaluated. The Distribution Strategy was adjusted based on our recent studies: our conventional customer profile will change and we have to deal with IT managers, who will take over the control of the purchasing decisions concerning AV systems.
The project’s Regulatory and Knowledge Management Strategy was revised. “Freedom to operate” was analysed further regarding IPR protection and especially relevant regulations.

Final results

The market’s most relevant demand is transmission of high resolution and uncompressed video/audio signals. These market segments have a need with state-of-the-art technology, pricing questions are secondary. Reliability is of importance, the product must be built in a robust way to ensure heavy usage, performing not just in office environment, but under extreme conditions too.
As a result of our project it was concluded that we can meet the described market needs and there is a demand on the market for our new product family. With the support of H2020 funding we will be able to launch the product earlier, therefore can penetrate the market quicker.

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