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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - beSCIENCEd (beSCIENCEd - Bringing science and research directly to the young people)


o Bringing research directly to the (young) people, instead of the usual other way round;o Enhancing youth’s understanding of science and research and encourage them to pursue a career in the STEM fields to become future scientists;o Offering a wide range of different...


o Bringing research directly to the (young) people, instead of the usual other way round;
o Enhancing youth’s understanding of science and research and encourage them to pursue a career in the STEM fields to become future scientists;
o Offering a wide range of different research in STEM;
o Enhancing the recognition of researchers and their role in society, showing that researchers are among us;
o Explaining the benefits of research to the public and how it influences daily life;
o Fostering a wide and effective collaboration between students/entrepreneurs/academic and industrial fields, potentiating opportunities for both sides;
o Enable a greater visibility for research centres, students, researchers, college teachers and innovative projects.
The project has reached its objectives and proved to be successful.

Work performed

\"o Conception, production and display of promotional material, namely folders, programmes, roll-ups, sent to numerous schools in Vienna, as well as to the participants in the various activities, displayed during public events;
o Publication of over 20 promotional articles in written press (newspapers and magazines);
o Publication of a press release;
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website, namely ;
o 19.523 views by 3.769 unique visitors in 5.813 sessions, of which 2.286 during the last week prior to the event;
o Publication of over 70 promotional articles on on-line accounts of newspapers and magazines as well as mentions in event calendars;
o Publication of over 50 postings on Facebook from PRIA’s European Researchers’ Night Facebook page as well as multiple postings by exhibitors and other institutes such as \"\"Science communication platform for young people\"\", \"\"Young Science\"\", \"\"Lange Nacht der Forschung\"\", \"\"HIT am TGM\"\", \"\"Science Slam Vienna\"\", \"\"Austrian Research and Support Centre\"\" as well as private persons;
o Several postings on Xing, Twitter and LinkedIn;
o Several hundred thousands people made aware of the Researchers\' night.

o Offer of the activities:
o 9 different activities including:
o 1 talk by a researcher;
o 6 Science slams;
o 4 Teen science slams;
o 22 Workshops ;
o 63 On-going activities;
o 6 Science Cafes;
o 7 EU-Corner Activities;
o CERN Webcast;
o 3 Social Activities;

o The created programme involved researchers from diverse research and educational institutions and companies, namely:
o 12 universities:
o University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences;
o University of Vienna;
o Vienna University of Technology;
o University of Applied Sciences Campus Wien;
o Austrian Academy of Sciences;
o University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten;
o University of Applied Arts;
o University College of Teacher Education in Vienna;
o Johannes Kepler University Linz;
o Medical University Vienna;
o University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna;
o Czestochowa University of Technology;
o 11 non-university research institutes:
o Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria);
o Rail Tec Arsenal;
o Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBTO);
o Climate and Energy Fund;
o ACIB – Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology;
o Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG);
o European Severe Storms Laboratory (ESSL);
o AIT Austrian Institute of Technology;
o Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies;
o Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH;
o 3 high schools:
o Höhere technische Bundeslehranstalt Krems;
o Höhere technische Bundeslehranstalt TGM Wien XX;
o Höhere technische Bundeslehranstalt Wien 3;
o 10 non-government organizations:
o Practical Robotics Institute Austria;
o Science Center-Network;
o [kat]alab;
o Austrian Computer Society;
o Make-O-Matic;
o ARGE Archäologie – Verein der Freunde der Archäologie;
o IFIT - Institute for promoting IT-talents;
o Talentehaus Niederösterreich;
o fti…remixed Speeddating Organisation;
o MCAA Austrian Chapter (MCA3C);
o 14 companies:
o Oracle Austria GmbH;
o Vermessung AVT-ZT-GmbH;
o CogVis Software and Consulting GmbH;
o ARGE Bildungsmanagement GMBH;
o Infineon Technologies AG;
o Alchemia-nova GmbH;
o Ponix Systems GmbH;
o ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG;
o gfai tech GmbH – Zweigniederlassung Österreich;
o Vexcel Imaging GmbH, Graz;
o FA für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde;
o Pharmacy Babenberger;
o Infineon Technologies GMBH;
o Novartis Pharma AG;
o 5 government initiatives and organizations:
o OeAD - Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research;
o Geological Survey of Austria;
o Austrian Space F\"

Final results

o Collection, analysis and processing of 127 feedbacks from pupils and students (semi-structured interviews, with set of questions related to both positive and negative aspects of the event), as well as 60 parents, several teachers and 35 researchers;

o Main conclusions:
o Typology of visitors: 38 % female and 62 % male, 15 % aged under 10, 35 % aged 10-20, 15 % aged 20-40, 25 % aged 40-60, and 10 % 55-75;
o Pupils and students:
o Increased interest in STEM topics and a career in science for visitors from technical schools or universities, many planning to work or study in the field of computer sciences, electrical or mechanical engineering;
o Most successful activities: workshops and booths with hands-on activities for those interested in STEM and booths with archaeology, language, migration, “How do you feel?”, citizen science and climate subjects where discussions was allowed for the others;
o Increased interest studying science and becoming scientists (32,2 %);
o Increase knowledge about scientists\' work (73,2 %);
o Improved opinion about scientists (22 %), 61,4% (78) already had a clear picture;
o Parents and teachers:
o Positive feedback and enthusiasm of the children reported by parents, improved communication and increased participation in STEM according to teachers;
o Positive appreciation of the gathering of numerous activities in a single place, (parents) and wish for an earlier start as to allow the insertion of the visit in the school time (teachers);
o Researchers:
o Positive appreciation of the wide variety of activities and visitors, of the awareness campaign and overall organisation;
o General intention to take part in a future similar event (97,1 %);

o Possible improvements suggested by responders:
o Several organizational issues need to be improved:
o More practical distribution and placement of the booths and workshops;
o Improved info about the booths/workshops/activities/highlights;
o Better distribution of volunteers for delivery and booths/workshops settings;
o Location closer to the city centre;
o Improved event advertising and promotion in particular addressing schools, universities and kindergartens.

Website & more info

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