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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CYPRESS (CYprus Promotes RESearch and Science)


o Bring together researchers (of all stages of their career and all disciplines) and the public (of all ages, genders and scientific backgrounds, but especially young people) and allow them to interact in person through a balanced mix of “edutainment” - educational and...


o Bring together researchers (of all stages of their career and all disciplines) and the public (of all ages, genders and scientific backgrounds, but especially young people) and allow them to interact in person through a balanced mix of “edutainment” - educational and entertaining - activities, so as to remove stereotypes about researchers, making them approachable by proving that they are “ordinary people with fascinating jobs”, and in this way increase the number of people taking up research careers and in general create a “research culture”;
o Raise the public’s awareness regarding the latest R&I achievements in Cyprus, that have positively affected many aspects of our everyday lives, including economic growth and quality of life, emphasising on those funded by the EU, in order to understand the benefit for the society, as well as the international dimension of research and increase the public’s recognition of the importance of the researchers’ work;
o Highlight the variability of research, by showcasing (a) researchers coming from different environments (academia, SMEs, NGOs etc) and different thematic sectors with emphasis on the 3i dimensions of the researcher’s career path (international, intersectoral, interdisciplinary) and (b) how research can be combined with different areas like art, theatre, painting, sports,…
o Give a clear message to policy makers that investment in research will help boost the economy and increase Europe’s competitiveness;
o Promote gender balance in research by ensuring equal participation and adequate promotion.

Based on the facts presented in the Deliverables, it is considered that the CYPRESS project has reached its objectives and proved to be successful.

Work performed

Awareness campaign:
o Conception, realisation and display of promotional material: posters (displayed in the premises of all Partner Organisations), foam scenes, programmes (displayed at the entrance during the event), promotional give away (such as coloring pencils, notebooks, earphones, pens, toys, mugs, rulers, bags, keyrings, T-shirts for the organising staff and more);
o Publication of over 60 articles in both local newspapers and magazines;
o Airing of TV and radio promotional spots through national radio and TV channels (CyBC and Love FM);
o Radio coverage (Live link radio) of the event through Love FM channel;
o Public advertising (billboards and roll-ups complying with EU requirements) in the event reception area;
o Setting up, constant updating and maintenance of project website;
o Two TV interviews (CyBC and MEGA Channel0 and one radio interview (CyBC) broadcasted nationally
o Publication of posts and banners on partners\' websites and blogs (info about the event);
o Publication of posts and banners on the two major nationwide electronic newspapers, namely Philenews and Sigmalive;
o Publication of posts about the event in RPF’s bi-weekly e-newsletter, for one month prior to the event;
o Setting up, constant updating and maintenance of social network profiles, namely Facebook, including Facebook event page, and Twitter @CY_Res_Night;
o 1.872 likes on Facebook page, 1.887 Followers;
o 31.522 total event reach (Event page), 1.177 responses, 2,400 views;
o 40 followers on Twitter.
o Estimated at least 425.000 people made aware of the European Researchers\' Night and its objectives (half of Cyprus population).
Activities during the Night
Offer of the activities as planned in the Annex I Part B to the grant agreement, namely:
o Central theme: cultural heritage research with other sectors also represented to ensure multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity;
o Balanced mix of 66 activities combining entertainment and science (edutainment), and addressing the public at large in all its components;
o Activities organised mainly around the different aspects of Cultural Heritage (tangible, intangible and digital forms), along with research in other, non-directly related fields, (described in the programme displayed to visitor at the entrance).
o Most of the activities took place indoors, due to extreme weather conditions, except for the European Corner, the Cocktail, the Meet & Greet and the “Astronomical Observation”, despite plans to also hold outside the Impact Assessment, the Treasure Hunt, the S-Factor competition, the Science Theatre and the Award Ceremony;
o Active involvement of all major stakeholders in the Cypriot Research and Innovation System with a strengthened participation from SMEs;
o Active involvement of over 33 institutions participating;
o Active involvement of 430 researchers from all the main research organisations of Cyprus, all scientific disciplines and all stages of the career path, of whom:
o 19 having benefited from SMC schemes;
o 38 having benefitted from another EU support( FP7, HORIZON 2020);
o Additional involvement of at least 60 more volunteers from the Research Promotion Foundation and other partner organisations;
o Estimated 8.000 visitors having taken part in the activities offered.

Final results

\"o Collection, analysis and processing of 348 feedbacks (questionnaires), combined with media monitoring: 62 articles, 3 interviews in TV and Radio, with rewarded participation of the respondents(tablet, action camera, instant camera) via a prize draw and smaller gift for all);
o Main conclusions:
o Typology of responders: 59 % female, close to previous events’ ratio of 50-50, 40 % aged 12-17, 22 % 18-30, representing a significant increase of the “12-17” age category, thanks to the intensive awareness campaign conducted towards schools and youth and cooperation with Ministry of Education and culture, but also the “31-45” age category, 46 % having a tertiary education background , close to the percentage of previous events, 79 % coming from Nicosia;
o Knowledge about the event: friends (20%) and school / university (53%) combined (word of mouth) the Internet (23%) (16% from Facebook and 6% from partners’ websites);
o Overall positive feedback about the event itself (activities, contacts with researchers, concrete organisation, venue) (87% rating the event \"\"excellent \"\" or \"\"very good\"\");
o Most successful activities: “hands-on experiments” (59%), \"\"games\"\" (45 %), a result consistent throughout the years;
o Public perception of researchers and their job: 84% considering researchers as scientists working towards the creation of new knowledge and the advancement of science (similar to previous events);
o Main characteristics of researchers: “curious and open minded” (66%), “intelligent, logical, reasonable” (49%), “creative” (49%) and “patient / persistent” (36%), with a relative correspondence between actual and desired characteristics of researchers;
o Participation to the events affected positively 89% responders;
o Interest for science and research: 84% very interested, 15% just interested and only 1,2% not at all interested, the latter decreasing significantly over time.
o Interest for science careers: considered interesting by 93,5 % (higher than in previous years);
o General will (90 %) expressed to take part in future similar events;

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