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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PJ04 TAM (Total Airport Management)


The International Air Transport Association (IATA) expects 7.2 billion passengers to travel in 2035, a near doubling of the 3.8 billion air travellers in 2016. This prediction is based on a 3.7% annual compound average growth rate (central scenario). In 2017, the total number...


The International Air Transport Association (IATA) expects 7.2 billion passengers to travel in 2035, a near doubling of the 3.8 billion air travellers in 2016. This prediction is based on a 3.7% annual compound average growth rate (central scenario). In 2017, the total number of passengers travelling by air in the European Union could be established at 1.043 billion, up by 7% compared to 2016 and by 39% compared to 2009. This upward trend means opportunities but also huge airport performance challenges to successfully meet this essential demand. In that context the need to increase airport performance at European airports is fundamental for society, passengers and airspace users as well as for economic development.

To this end, the evolution towards a \'Total Airport Management\' approach in this project is required to build a holistic view of all key airport operations processes - airside, landside, aircraft, passengers, baggage, access to airport and importantly the interaction between them. The degree of synchronisation between those processes constitutes a significant contributory factor to punctual and predictable operations and ultimately, therefore, passenger satisfaction. \'Total Airport Management\' project is divided in two solutions, the first with a focus on Airport Performance Monitoring \'(\' TAM Solution 1\') and the second on Airport Performance Management (\'TAM Solution 2\').

The objectives of \'TAM solution 1\' are to:
• Extend the Airport Performance process monitoring from airport airside processes to the airport landside processes and access to the airport, with additional airport intelligence based on full integration of the passenger and baggage processes impact onto the aircraft process and airport performance as a whole;
• Further refining a suitable level of turnaround process planning and monitoring which would contribute to improving operational resilience;
• Improving the connection between the airports with the European ATM Network to enhance its effectiveness and the performance of airport operations;
• Providing tools supporting post-operations analysis.

The objectives of \'TAM solution 2\' are to:
• Provide essential building blocks for collaborative management of airport performance, especially in degraded situations; this will be facilitated by access to real-time information captured in the form of performance dashboards that show \'what has happened\', \'what is happening\' and most importantly \'what is predicted to happen\';
• Develop support functionalities, notably in the domain of \'what-if\' scenario capabilities and trends prediction;
• Include the environmental impact planning and monitoring to ensure that environmental performance is fully integrated into the airport operations management processes;
• Improve the airport demand and capacity balancing process across the different airport processes and infrastructure elements;
• Develop an airport learning environment based on extensive and continuous use of post operations data for various purposes in day to day operations (fine tuning of parameters, forecasting, hypothesis testing, etc.).

Work performed

The work achieved by the project from the beginning of the project covers project management, project communication, TAM Solution 1 \'Enhanced Collaborative Airport Performance Planning and Monitoring\', TAM Solution 2 \'Enhanced Collaborative Airport Performance Management\', and Ethics.

TAM Solution 1 work achieved Reporting Period 1 covered initial activities towards achieving v2 maturity of this solution. Two first exercises were executed, the first one in Palma de Mallorca covering Baggage and Passenger Reduced Mobility concepts, the second one in Alicante covering the concept of Collaborative Decision Making for regional airports. During Reporting Period 2, three validation exercises (Madrid, Bratislava and Lyon Saint-Exupéry airports) and a verification activity conducted at Lyon Saint-Exupéry Airport supported the validation of this solution. The v2 data pack documentation was prepared, to be delivered in early 2019.

TAM Solution 2 in Reporting Period 1 covered the production of documentation and supporting validation activities towards achieving v1 maturity of this solution. A successful maturity gate was conducted in early 2018. During Reporting Period 2, the preparation of nine validation exercises to support the validation of the solution at v2 maturity level was performed, along with all supported documentation.

Ethics aspects were also addressed through the submission of two deliverables in 2017. A participant agreement form for exercises and a non-disclosure agreement form to be signed by external experts participating in validation exercises were produced, which are used for each validation exercise

Project communication in Reporting Period 1 covered the participation of project representatives to various workshops and conferences: ACI-EUROPE/SESAR APOC workshop (28/06/2017, Brussels), Air Transport Research Society world conference (07/07/2017, Antwerp), Airport IT conference (12/09/2017, Vienna), ENRI International workshop on ATM/CNS (15/11/2017, Tokyo). In addition a Jane\'s press release and an article in Airport International Review about TAM project (July 2017) were produced. Exercises\' Open Days were organized for communication purpose at Palma de Mallorca and Alicante airports (TAM Solution 1, October 2017). During Reporting Period 2, main project communication activities covered the participation to Word ATM Conference (WAC Madrid – SESAR Walking Tour and Congress Conference) in March 2018, IATA Global Airport and Passenger Symposium (GAPS) in Athens (October 2018), and ICAO 13th Air Navigation Conference, Montréal (October 2018).

Final results

Increasing airport performance for the benefit of European Network is at the heart of the Total Airport Management project. Main positive impacts are expected regarding increased punctuality, predictability and resilience of airport operations. It is expected that concepts developed in the Total Airport Management project will be scalable so that -at the end of the project- concrete and fit-for-purpose capabilities can be deployed at large, medium-regional and small airports, maximizing project benefits. As an example, the development of network connected regional airports\' concept will provide a high degree of connectivity with the Network where deployment of full airport collaborative decision making may not have a positive business case. The inclusion of outputs from landside processes (passenger and baggage) will provide improved accuracy and predictability of the airside operations. The development of airport hypervision will allow to build a holistic total airport management view of the airport, showing alerts, linking airport processes and events to facilitate problem solving. The creation of an airport learning environment and intelligent optimisation will introduce business intelligence by making an extensive use of post operations data for better planning of airport and network operations. Pro-active management of unexpected events will be ensured through a rich information environment, what-if and forecasting, allowing to reduce their impact on airport stakeholders, airspace users and passengers.

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