Gasvessel project is addressed to the following problems of strategic importance:- EU dependency from a single gas supplier providing different source of energy supply- Gas sources nowadays not utilised such as stranded gas reservoirs (too small to justify large investments...
Gasvessel project is addressed to the following problems of strategic importance:
- EU dependency from a single gas supplier providing different source of energy supply
- Gas sources nowadays not utilised such as stranded gas reservoirs (too small to justify large investments for pipelines and for liquefaction/regassification plants) and flared gas coming from oil wells that nowadays is directly burnt into the atmosphere without producing any energy but increasing air pollution.
- Some areas of EU are out of the gas delivery systems (Greek Islands, Sardinia, Corsica, etc) thus being dependant on carbon and oil.
The project proposes a solution in order to reduce EU gas dependency, to utilise the stranded and flared gas, which represents about 5 times the volume of the gas currently used in Europe, and to allow a wider gas distribution.
This is important for the society for reducing the amount CO2 polluting the air with important effects on the environment.
The exploitation of this new concept would bring new job opportunities in Europe through the development of new specialised industry sector.
The objectives Gasvessel project is aiming to, are:
- Design and develop a new pressurized gas containment system together with its production facilities;
- Design the ship types suitable for the transport of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG);
- Define and analyse 3 European geo-logistic scenarios, benchmarking the new CNG ship concept;
- Demonstrate the financial viability through a cost/benefit analysis.
The project work plan includes 10 work packages. During the first 18 months, two work packages have been fully completed and the activities included brought to the Geologistic Scenario Analysis, the realization of a Decision Support Software and the drawing of the Ethic requirements.
Meanwhile, within the other work packages, the work has been progressing and is moving towards the completion of the design and construction of the pilot line and the CNG ship design including loading/unloading systems, etc. All the tasks are planned and followed by a constant project management and supported by a detailed Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination.
The main results reached during the first 18 months are:
• Full completion of the hydroforming equipment (design, construction, erection and testing).
• Achieved complete knowledge of the technological behaviour of liner base material.
• Identification of the necessary types of carbon fibre filament and resins suitable for the pressure cylinders.
• Validation of the welding process and methods for the liners.
• Development and completion of the filament winding optimization software.
• 3 geo-logistic scenarios identification, and Decision Support Model realization.
The Partners of the Gasvessel project issued 10 Deliverables and reached the 4 Milestones scheduled.
The pressurized Gas containment system is one of the main results expected from Gasvessel project. Thanks to its light weight and high capacity in comparison with the state-of-the-art solutions, it represents a completely new system for a competitive gas transport both on ships and on land.
Further results expected from the project include the formal validation of the concept (Class Approval) and the cost/benefit analysis for the 3 identified scenarios.
The Dissemination and Exploitation Plan efforts will widen the knowledge of the project studies throughout the industry players thus implementing the concept in view of reaching the EU strategic objectives.
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