Wanderlust is the Zaragoza European Researchers Night 8th edition design to aproach researchers to general public. We chose Wanderlust because it means travel, it menas the desire to know more, to reach new places, to be inspired from different cultures. We think it is a...
Wanderlust is the Zaragoza European Researchers Night 8th edition design to aproach researchers to general public. We chose Wanderlust because it means travel, it menas the desire to know more, to reach new places, to be inspired from different cultures. We think it is a metaphore, and it represents the spirit of the researchers life, and it easy connect with people. It also a good approach to the european dimension of the research, and it is easy researchers identificate themself with the project.Zaragoza. We will make aware of the night 375.000 people and 16000 will take part in activities.
o Publication of articles, interviews, announcements in written press;
o Publication of press releases, of which one common with national organisations;
o Public advertising : display of posters in city; SMEs and shops;
o Airing of promotional spots, announcements and interviews on local radios and TV programmes;
o Flyers, programmes delivered;
o Photograph contest
o Event for influencers
o Teaser Event in the Summer Zaragoza Festival;
Overview of the results
• Conception, realisation of promotional material:
o 20 posters,
o 6 roll ups,
o 5.000 programmes
o 50 invitations,
o 4 flags,
o 50 t-shirts;
o Transport advertising : line bus 29
• Public advertising:
o 50 billboards, display of promotional material in streets, public places;
o CaixaForum: special mailing, advertisement in their billboards of the building, in the Menu Sheet of the restaurant, special space in their website and retweets.
- Fire and Fire-fighters Museum: airing in social media.
• Sending 2 press releases and 1 press dossier to media, magazines, specialized press.
• Airing of announcements on regional radio and live program radio from Caixaforum building.
• Emailing: 600 (own database)
• Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website namely. http://lanochedelosinvestigadores.esciencia.es
• 8.130 hits on project website, 5481 unique visitors, 18.860 pages visits,
• Revamping and constant updating of social network profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…), namely facebook.com/ResearchersZgz/, twitter.com/researcherszgz, instagram.com/researcherszgz;
- Facebook: 198 new likes, 46.549 reach publications.
- Twitter: 149 new followers, 3.385 profile visits, 47.169 prints.
• About 300.000 people made aware of the Researchers\'Night.
Locations: CaixaForum Zaragoza, Fire and Fire-fighters Museum;
o Researchers\' show:
o Showcasing of most important research centres\' and innovative companies (SMEs) in of projects and work outdoors;
o o Scientific Scape room: physical and mental adventure that consists of a group of players locked in a room where they must solve different puzzles and riddles to unravel the story and get \"\"escaped\"\" before the end of the time;
o Simultaneous chess games between people and researchers;
o Sport demonstration; technologies to improve sports activity.
European corner
o Offering: the European flag, connections to all relevant EU websites (list to be provided by REA)
o Specific activity organised: “Science Pass wordâ€, one of the most successful activities.
o Testimonials/activities conducted by researchers funded by the EU, in particular Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions
Overview of the results
The event offered 67activities
• 3 visit exhibition: \"\"The competition in Ancient Greece\"\", “Land of Dreamsâ€
• 2 theatrical performances. \"\"Nanotalent Show\"\" and “The Science in Flamesâ€.
• 1 kids contest: \"\"I want to be a researcher\"\".
• 1 photography adult contest: \"\"Passion to discover\"\".
• 1 kids inventors fair.
• 8 different workshops.
• 2 Hands-on activities.
• 4 music concerts.
• More than 20 demonstrations.
• 1 European corner.
• 2 sports activities.
• 2 children\'s activities.
• 6 monologues.
• 1 Interactive researcher-drawer.
• 10 Simultaneous games of chess.
- 250 researchers, 26 research institutes
• 6 Researchers having benefitted from Marie Curie Program
• 19 Researchers having benefitted having benefitted from EU support (FP7, H2020) other than MSCA.
• From 5 different cities of Spain
• 8 nationalities
- 10.000 direct participants in activities distributed as follows:
- 2 venues: CaixaForum and Fire and Fire-fighters Museum.
• CaixaForum: 8.500 visitors.
• Fire and Fire-fighters Museum: 1.600 participants.
Content of the assessment methodology
Qualitative data
o Opinion of participants on researchers and their job
o Interest expressed for science and research;
o Interest expressed for science careers;
o Intention to\"
- 10.000 participants
- Typology of attendees:
o People with high level of studies
o No relevant presence of public with scientific training nor professional work related to science
o People with high interest in science; Computer Science, Medicine/Health, Education, Food and Astronomy for adults, and Biology, Genetic and Astronomy for adolescents.
- Rating of the event; between 4.5 and 6 points on a scale from 1 to 6 points, for aspects such as organization, number of activities, variety of topics of the activities, schedules of the activities, facilities and promotion of the event.
- Participation in various activities; 3-4 activities per person.
- Number of hits on website (Google analytics); 8.130 hits on project website, 5481 unique visitors, 18.860 pages visits,
- Number of friends and followers on social networks (Google analytics); Facebook: 198 new likes, 46.549 reach publications, Twitter: 149 new followers, 3.385 profile visits, 47.169 prints, Instagram: 285 followers.
Qualitative data
- Opinion of participants on researchers and their job: Researchers are: Enthusiast (27%), Efficient (20%) Persistent (19%). Freak, Practical (less used). 81% of adult participants considered that the labor of researchers is very important.
- Interest expressed for science and research; 48% claim they have great interest in science, 30% high, 15% medium and 7% do not show any interest in science.
- Interest expressed for science careers; the majority see their professional future related to science.
- Intention to attend similar events in the future; 94.34%. The general opinion is that the frequency of this type of activities in Zaragoza is insufficient.
- Involvement of researchers funded by Horizon 2020, including Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions in the activities of the NIGHT; 17
- Comparison with past events:
o 32.5% of the assistants had participated in previous European Researchers’ Night editions.
o 5 years ago, 89% of participants considered researchers work necessary and 70% thought researchers are close and useful for Society, the data of this year say that the perception has improved, raising 37.3%
More info: http://lanochedelosinvestigadores.esciencia.es.