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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ADDITAC (Innovative virtual Real-Time Quality Control System to create a new line of business, accelerating and broadening growth of the market for the additive manufacturing of metals.)


After five years of research, acquisition of know-how and commercial experience in a technology as recent as Additive Manufacturing of metals, Sokar Mechanics aims now to implement a process innovation that will allow it to break into the European industrial market with an...


After five years of research, acquisition of know-how and commercial experience in a technology as recent as Additive Manufacturing of metals, Sokar Mechanics aims now to implement a process innovation that will allow it to break into the European industrial market with an offer of high added value and boost Additive Manufacturing (AM) to a level of large-scale industrialization.

This process innovation consists in an innovative and disruptive idea: to implement a real-time quality control system (RT-QCS) within the AM process, hence overcoming most of the limitations of this still incipient technology. Therefore, the main source of revenue in this business model will be the installation of RT-QCS inside additive manufacturing machines: “Sokar will market the installation / retrofitting service to equip AM machines with this system. Additionally, training, maintenance services and customer support will be offered, to resolve incidents related to product use”.

To achieve this goal, Sokar Mechanics has successfully carried out the project ADDITAC, framed into Phase 1 of the SME Instrument, starting on 01/08/2018 and concluding on 01/02/2019.

Work performed

In these six months markets have been deeply researched by Sokar Mechanics, many clients and suppliers have been analyzed, market barriers have been explored, patents have been studied, and some alternative sources of financing have been identified. Simultaneously a beta test has been run and technical viability has been proven within the budget limitations given.

Final results

The results of this hard work have ensured Sokar Mechanics with a deeper understanding of the market, the technologies implied and the requirements to advance in the ADDITAC project -not only financial needs but in terms of strategic partnering-. The next step to follow is to continue working to advance the levels of technology development and submit SME Phase 2 in order to finally introduce RT-QCS in the market.

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