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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PulseTester (Next-Generation Thyristor pulse technology for testing of high power magnetic components in DC Smart Grids)


As more renewable energies are integrated into the power grid, accurate testing equipment is becoming essential to develop key components to minimize loss and maximize system efficiency. However, there is a distinct lack of accurate measuring systems for high power magnetic...


As more renewable energies are integrated into the power grid, accurate testing equipment is becoming essential to develop key components to minimize loss and maximize system efficiency. However, there is a distinct lack of accurate measuring systems for high power magnetic components in DC voltage grids. To the point that magnetics has become the bottleneck in the power electronics industry.
PulseTester, along with its different hardware and software modules, offers a novel method to test and improve inductors and soft magnetic components in general, offering for the first time accurate measurements on power loss. PulseTester will thus allow manufacturers and implementers to work with soft magnetic components based on reliable specifications, leading to increased grid energy efficiency and lower CO2 emissions.
The objective is to provide a modular and adapted package of solutions that could be implemented at several different levels in the industry, from material manufacturers all the way to finished system developers.

Work performed

Over the Phase 1, we were able to finish optimal system design, both at hardware and software levels. We also focused on the next software development steps, as well as the corresponding sourcing strategy. Through extensive testing, we were also able to determine the repeatability of the energy loss measurements and demonstrate the uniqueness of our solution.

On the commercial front, we carried multiple surveys during our attendance at different events, thus collecting the main trends for future developments. We also negotiated agreements with distribution and manufacturing partners. An extensive market study covering all linked market segments was also performed in order to accurately elaborate sales forecasts for different scenarios.

At the regulatory level, we analyzed technical requirements for the release of our hardware. We also carried out an in-depth Freedom-to-Operate analysis that helped us formulate the most appropriate IP strategy.

Finally, in order to complete our Business Plan, we developed a complete set of forecasts, including Balance Sheet, Proft and Loss and Cash Flows. After calculating the remaining investment needs, we were able to determine the eventual ROI and breakeven for the next 6 years. We also evaluated potential risks and threats, covering technical, commercial and financial aspects.

Final results

Currently, there is no equipment capable of providing energy loss measurements for soft magnetic components. Our thyristor pulse-based technology provides uniquely accurate inductance measurement and is the only solution capable of actually quantifying energy loss.

Our goal is to provide a modular and diversified magnetic component testing system for the power electronics industry that is fully adapted for all our target customers in the different segments of material, core and component manufacturers and providers, as well as the corresponding implementers.

PulseTester has thus the potential to become an industrial standard for testing of magnetic components in the power electronics industry. At a socio-economic level, its impact is even greater, as it will greatly facilitate the adoption of DC Smart Grids and the integration of renewable energies in the power grid. In It will help reduce emissions and provide key insights in strategic industries, such as in the development process for electric vehicles.

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