The Minimata Convention on Mercury was negotiated under 128 states in 2013 and came into force on August 16, 2017. Its target is to reduce the Mercury emissions to the technically lowest possible values. To follow the requirements of the Minimata Convention the EU issues the...
The Minimata Convention on Mercury was negotiated under 128 states in 2013 and came into force on August 16, 2017. Its target is to reduce the Mercury emissions to the technically lowest possible values. To follow the requirements of the Minimata Convention the EU issues the EU Industrial Emissions Directive, which will most probably lower Hg-exhaust gas emissions limits to <1-7µg/Nm³ from 2021 on. In USA very low Mercury emission values are in force already since 2012.
Today, many coal-fired power plants do not use any active Hg-reduction technology and cannot reach the emission values required. To reduce the Hg output in incineration plants, especially in large coal power plants, generally AK is metered. This takes place without special control in high concentrations resulting in high consumption quantities and costs.
Due to the preferential feed-in of renewable energies, conventional power plants are increasingly required to switch between partial and full-load operation. During these periods, Hg-emission rates as well as costs increase. These variances can only be avoided by means of intelligently controlled Hg-reduction technologies.
As the global industry advances to meet these increasing limitations, it is IEM’s mission to provide the market with MEC, the ideal solution to enable inexpensive and effective Hg emission reduction and the MEC test is vital to achieving this at scale.
Combining several technologies, MEC is designed to be installed at a plant operator combustion plant or waste incineration plant to carry out assessments at a relatively low cost. The results produced then enable us to identify the most cost-effective Hg reduction solution to enable plants to comply with emissions directives. Once available, MEC will be the only cost-effective process that enables significant Hg-reduction.
Building on our existing capabilities and our market position, our vision is to transform IEM into a leading European player for detection and control of mercury emissions. First, with support from the SME Instrument, we must complete our technological developments, build a commercial-scale fully capable production unit and patent our protectable aspects. We are confident in market success having already received significant interest from potential adopters.
During our Phase 1 Feasibility Study, we have detailed the work required to generate customer confidence in MEC as a viable means of carrying out mercury reducing assessments accurately, at low cost and meeting other market relevant KPIs.
During our Phase 1 Feasibility Study, we have completed a market study to assess the MEC target market sectors and analysed the data to identify the most accessible routes to market. This has produced market potential information for our initial target markets. We have also planned our legislative pathway and route to commercialisation.
Also, within the Feasibility Study, we have prepared for a Phase 2 project by preparing a Phase 2 work plan, Gantt, list of deliverables and a project budget. This plan will enable the development of our strategic business plan that will be utilised to enable us to reach these new markets.
Having undertaken this Feasibility Study, we are now confident that the MEC technology is commercially viable. Therefore, we are proceeding with our plans to reach market as soon as possible. In order to achieve this, we shall submit a Horizon 2020 Phase 2 application to enable us to complete the technology development to increase capability, to complete commercial trials to gain market reference and continue our current route for commercialisation.
Progress beyond state-of-the-art.
Because each power plant has varying plant equipment, in varying configuration and uses differing feed material, generally, Hg reduction equipment selection via this method yields poor results. MEC removes this “guess workâ€, and instead provides a market disruptive solution to identify the most cost-effective method.
MEC builds on existing technologies, refining equipment to meet MECs needs. Compared to many cases in the US where specific Hg control systems are more common, in most cases in Europe, specific mercury removal systems are rare at coal and lignite combustion plants, since they already meet current limits without requiring additional measures. As such the advent of new limits is a disruptive challenge for European power plants to face.
Expected Results.
During the delivery of this Feasibility Study, we have detailed the necessary work to generate full customer confidence in MEC as a viable means of identifying the most effective methods for reducing Mercury production that will enable our clients to meet the legislative restrictions. By doing this, we have ratified our route to market strategy and business plan.
The principle Phase 2 project objectives are to enhance the MEC technology and ensure it meets the KPIs we have set in conjunction with the market. During technology trials, we expect to prove to the target market the effectiveness and cost-efficiency over state-of-the-art alternative methods.
As we progress MEC to market readiness, we will increase marketing activity to generate our first sales in Q4 2022.
By using the MEC solution, the consumption of activated carbon should be reduced by up to 60% (compared to conventional processes). This significantly reduces the environmental impact of production and transport. In addition, the mercury is of course also filtered from the exhaust gas, which is the purpose of the system. By using the pilot plant, it is possible to build a functioning solution directly without major construction measures. This in turn saves resources.
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