"Szczeciński": list of contracting authorities

This page lists administrations and contracting authorities involved in public procurement located in Szczeciński.

Tot. page: 1 (4 items)

  • 1 (current)
# official name town postal code country views
1 Gmina Maszewo Maszewo 72-130 PL - Poland 50
2 GMINA STARGARD Stargard 73-110 PL - Poland 43
3 Gmina Trzebiatów Trzebiatów 72-320 PL - Poland 35
4 Skarb Państwa - Państwowe Gospodarstwo Leśne Lasy Państwowe Nadleśnictwo Chojna Chojna 74-500 PL - Poland 50
  • 1 (current)