Science and innovation do not have a long tradition in the Alpine province of South Tyrol (500,000 inhabitants), but as everywhere they are crucial for the future development of the economy.The 2014 European Researchers’ Night LUNA (Lunga Notte della ricerca , Lange Nacht...
Science and innovation do not have a long tradition in the Alpine province of South Tyrol (500,000 inhabitants), but as everywhere they are crucial for the future development of the economy.
The 2014 European Researchers’ Night LUNA (Lunga Notte della ricerca , Lange Nacht der Forschung), represented a unique opportunity for the population to get in touch with scientists, to learn about research projects in the region and to have fun around scientific themes.
The main organisers of the action intended creating a tradition for science and innovation in South Tyrol, and in such purpose several different events were organised at planned intervals (science cafés in the summer, school activities throughout the school year, ) of which the Researchers’ Night represents each second year the real cornerstone.
The Researchers’ Night 2014 in Bolzano, the main town of South Tyrol (100.000 inhabitants) was led by a consortium including the European Academy of Bolzano/Bozen (EURAC), the Free University of Bolzano /Bozen (UNIBZ) and Techno Innovation South Tyrol (TIS. The activities were mainly held in the partners’ headquarters.
Beyond this consortium, several other entities joined and actively implemented the project, namely businesses, museums and other research institutions making their premises and labs available to the public at large.
During the event, Bolzano proved transformed in an exciting science park, where children and adults could enjoy science and have fun at up to fourteen different venues connected via a free shuttle service.
From 5 pm until midnight the attendees could take part in all the activities articulated around the main theme “Science makes you flyâ€, under the form of numerous interactive presentations, games, quizzes, experiments and science performances. Visitors also had the opportunity to exchange, discuss, drink and even dance with the scientists present, coming form several disciplines and from all over Europe.
Target audiences
o Public at large regardless of age and scientific background;
o Special attention to be paid to kids and young people, especially those facing or about
to face a career choice;
o Also focus on families and contacts of the 3 main partners, such as researchers,
professors, entrepreneurs, industrial managers, politicians, schools, students... Messages conveyed
o Researchers are amongst us;
o Researchers are ordinary people with an extraordinary job;
o You can talk and have fun with researchers;
o Science makes you fly: research is an adventure;
o Science is made of many complicated and fascinating things which are both possible
and understandable;
o Research impacts on citizens’ daily lives and facilitates it;
o Anyone can embark on a scientific career and help make things better, as well as
contributing to a better understanding of the world and find solutions for all benefits; o In south Tyrol there are also interesting opportunities of findings jobs in science;
o Europe cares for research and researchers;
o European and international cooperation is of utmost importance in research;
Main communication tools to rely on
Off line
o Publication of articles, announcements, advertisements in national, regional and local newspapers and magazines;
o Publication of the detailed programme in the largest circulation daily newspaper “Dolomitenâ€, also distributed via Italian Daily newspaper Alto Adige, also mailed through partners’ and direct contacts;
o Presentations, mailings and display of promotional material to schools;
o Direct mailing to politicians, industrial managers, educational authorities;
o Airing of promotional spots (both in German and Italian) on national, regional and local
radio stations;
o Pre-event: interactive display stand with experiments hold in a public Bolzano square( in which occasion also display of promotional material and detailed programme);
On line
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website;
o Links to partners’, institutional and popular websites;
o Revamping, updating an maintenance of social networks profiles (Twitter, Facebook); o Direct electronic mailing to partners’ networks of contacts;
o Banners and advertising in the main local online-portals;
o Youtube-videospot
Promotional material
o Posters, leaflets, postcards, comprehensive booklets with detailed programme;
o Ads, banners, websites;
o Mention of \"\"This European Researchers\' Night project is funded by the European
Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions\"\" on all promotional material
o Promotional gadgets (such as T-shirts...)(displayed through the European corner
notably), complying with the general guidelines available at
Overview of the results
o Publication of over 30 articles in printed and on-line media;
o Airing of promotional announcements/spots on radio stations (14);
o Airing of spots/announcements on Tv stations (9);
o Production and display of a YouTube video spot (available at; o Over 300.000 people made aware of the Euroepan Researchers\' Nights and its
List of locations and venues involved
Bolzano, headquarters of EURAC, Free university of Bolzano and of Techno Innovation South Tyrol KAG, headquarters of additional partners such as Museum of natural history, archaeological museum, Laimburg research centre of agriculture and forestry, Fraunhofer research Italia, Salewa Italy, Medical School Claudiana, hospital, geological office of the province of Southtirol, Hydrogen-center Southtirol, SEL Ecotherm, Center for civil protection, local environmental agency.
Main types of activities planned
Competitions between visitors and researchers, interactive presentations, demonstrations, experiments, quizzes, treasure hunt, science p\"
Analysis of current situation: based on previous impact assessment exercises: improvement of public image of researchers for 47 % after 2010 event, and for 48 % after 2012 event, increased youth stimulation for embarking on scientific careers, overall satisfaction of attendees regarding the events themselves, actual reaching of different community targets;
o Display of a second questionnaire to visitors having completed the first questionnaire;
o Collection and processing of 630 ex-ante questionnaires and of 536 ex-post
questionnaires, leading to the emerging of 518 valid questionnaires; o Main conclusions:
o Typology of visitors: 44% coming from municipalities near the main venue, aged 18-80, various education levels, 69 % without any research involvement, nor relatvies or friedns working in research, important share represented by kids and teenagers;
o Knowledge about the event: media (36 %), word of mouth (22,3 %), direct contact with organising institutions (9,2 %);
o Overall satisfaction about the event (general: 95 %, programme 90 %, availability/ accessibility of researchers (88 %), Logistics (85 %) and information displayed during the event (84 %);
o General will expressed to tka epart in future similar events (95 %);
o Improved public image of researcehrs (52 %), stimulation of young people to embark on scientific careers (82 %), relevance of researchers\' involvement in such type of events (86%), convinction of competitiveness and international
relevance of South Tyrol researchers ;
o Awareness about important role played by rsearchers in regional, national and
European development (87 %);
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