The project addresses various aspects of sustainable fibre-reinforced polymer concrete (FRP-RC) structures. The research is highly beneficial to the sustainable urbanisation. The objectives of the project encompass experimental investigation of deformation characteristics of...
The project addresses various aspects of sustainable fibre-reinforced polymer concrete (FRP-RC) structures. The research is highly beneficial to the sustainable urbanisation. The objectives of the project encompass experimental investigation of deformation characteristics of FRP-RC specimens, derivation of constitutive models and establishment of deformation capacity of FRP-RC members, formulation of design guidelines in serviceability and development of design aids for use by practising engineers.
The project was executed satisfactorily in accordance with Annex I to the Grant Agreement (Description of the Action, DoA). Both experimental research and theoretical research on sustainable fibre-reinforced polymer concrete (FRP-RC) structures were carried out as planned. The progress has been as per scheduled. The research results have been disseminated through proper vehicles as detailed in this report. The research findings are highly beneficial to the sustainable urbanisation and to Europe’s overall competitiveness. The objectives of the projects set out in Annex I to the Grant Agreement or the DoA are successfully achieved.
The implementation of project has accomplished the deliverables as summarised in the following:
- Publication of 9 (at least 5 as planned in the DoA) international conferences papers;
- Delivery of 5 (at least 5 as planned in the DoA) lectures;
- Delivery of 4 (at least 4 as planned in the DoA) seminars;
- Submission of 8 (at least 6 as planned in the DoA) journal papers (plus 1 to be submitted in June 2019);
- Preparation of data management plan, experimental report, theoretical investigation report, serviceability design guideline document, design aid with user manual;
- Contribution of 3 (at least 1 as planned in the DoA) article to bulletin or magazine;
- Delivery of 2 (at least 2 as planned in the DoA) introductory talks;
- Development of webpage;
- Production of educational video; and
- Production of poster.
The project has fully achieved its objectives and milestones for the period. The following objectives as described in the DoA have been fulfilled: (i) To investigate the deformation characteristics of FRP-RC members experimentally by testing FRP-RC specimens of different structural configurations subjected to different loading conditions; (ii) To derive constitutive theory and models of FRP-RC including bond, tension stiffening, tension softening, cracking behaviour, fracture mechanics and the time-dependent effects on the above; and to establish deformation capacity of FRP-RC members; and (iii) To formulate simplified design guidelines in serviceability and develop design aids of FRP-RC structures for use by practising engineers.
Regarding objective (i), FRP-RC beams of different tension reinforcement ratios were tested. The test results provided a basis for assessing the crack behaviour and post-cracking stiffness and response of FRP-RC beams of different structural configurations.
Regarding objective (ii), constitutive models for FRP-RC members were developed and included in computational models for rigorous numerical analysis. The results were verified against experimental results. This set out the comparative basis for verifying the simplified design approach.
Regarding objective (iii), dedicated design guidelines for serviceability of FRP-RC flexural member were drawn up from the study. The accuracy was verified by across comparison with experimental and analytical results. Design aid in spreadsheet format for FRP-RC beams was developed.
Throughout the action, the planned training and two-way transfer of knowledge between the researcher and the host were satisfactorily achieved.
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