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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MORE-CONNECT (Development and advanced prefabrication of innovative, multifunctional building envelope elements for MOdular REtrofitting and CONNECTions)


The challenge of MORE-CONNECT is to overcome current barriers to come to large scale deep renovation by applying prefabricated multifunctional renovation elements. These elements have the potential to reduce costs, reduce the renovation time and disturbance for occupants and...


The challenge of MORE-CONNECT is to overcome current barriers to come to large scale deep renovation by applying prefabricated multifunctional renovation elements. These elements have the potential to reduce costs, reduce the renovation time and disturbance for occupants and, at the same time, enhance quality and performances (both in terms of energy efficiency as indoor climate). The MORE-CONNECT project aims to make a major step forwards by a combination of product innovation, process innovation and innovative market approach, in a process of cost and quality optimization, driven by motivated and innovation-driven SME’s.
The overall objectives of MORE-CONNECT are:

1. The development of cost optimal deep renovation solutions towards nZEB concepts with the possibility of extra customize (cost-effective) features
A number of optimal configurations will be developed for nZEB renovation concepts. These concepts will be preselected, i.e. in balance between demand reduction and renewable production, looking for the most optimal mix within the range of term ‘nearly’ in Nearly Zero Energy. Next to it, a life cycle approach will be used to assess the modular renovation solutions.

2. The development and demonstration of prefabricated multifunctional modular renovation elements in series of 1 concepts, in a mass production process
Platforms will be developed and demonstrated for prefabricated, multifunctional renovation elements for the total building envelope (facade and roof) and installation/building services. These elements can be combined, selected and configured by the end-user, based on his specific needs. The configuration can be made on the basis of a pre-selection of elements, based on the specific properties and measures of his home inventoried by advanced geomatics with various aesthetic and architectonic appearances. As input into advanced Building Information Modelling systems it can control and steer the further production process of these elements. In this way unique series of one can be made in a mass production process for the same reduced price of mass production.

3. The development and demonstration of new fully automated production lines for multifunctional modular renovation elements
New designed automated production lines will be developed that effortlessly support line production that is effective on series-1 as well as large series and seamlessly combine into mass customization principles; aimed at supporting prefabrication for extreme retrofitting of homes.
Extreme automation makes it possible to produce end-user-defined (by choice) integral products efficient in small (1) as well as large series. Machine instructions then need to come from automated computerized numeric control instruction generation based on Building Information Modelling BIM and in-situ measurements. Plant management is organized in software solutions that support line-balancing as well as JIT (just in time) and flow. Line design needs to support scalability in product complexity, support of more than one product-market combination and output. This will lead to a blueprint for the design and structure of a platform for a fully automated production line, as a further basis for product-market-combinations in several countries. In MORE-CONNECT it will be demonstrated that a model for one common platform for a fully automated production line can be used in different geo-clusters.

4. The offering of a one-stop-shop to the end-user to renovate their homes
A one-stop-shop concept will be developed or the end-user, but also for the production. In this ‘one-stop-shop’ proposition the end-user will deal with only one party, responsible for the total renovation, starting from an inventory of the existing situation, inventory of specific end-user demands, translation into modular renovation kits, mounting and installing, financing and aftercare. The high level of prefabrication and the use of smart connectors (mechanical, hydraulic,

Work performed

Work package 1 Management and coordination
Objective of WP1 is to provide the organisational infrastructure and management of the project, necessary to operate the project and to perform all administrative, financial and operational tasks, directly related to the co-ordination of the project.
The project secretary was already in place before the start of the project.
The project website has been launched three months after the start of the project. Instead of the ‘members only’ section it was decided to use dropbox for easy and low threshold sharing of documents. This dropbox is also shared with the EASME.
During the first reporting period following meetings have been organized:
Regular working meetings:
Meeting 1: January 12 and 13, 2015 Prague, CVUT and UCEEB, Czech Republic
Meeting 2: September 22 to 24, 2015, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Meeting 3: January 28 and 29, 2016, Guimarães, Portugal
Special workshops:
Workshop 1 Technology development, May 6 and 7 2015, Riga, Latvia
Directly after the start a Consortium Agreement was devised based on the DECSA model.
MORE-CONNECT originally foresees a Project Advisory Board. This was filled slightly different by collaboration with three important and relevant European umbrella associations: REHVA, representing the HVAC engineers branch, Architect’s Council of Europe, representing the architects branch and Housing Europe, representing the federations of social housing associations. Reason for this was that these branch organisations are participants in the H2020 Construction Skills project PROF/TRAC, also coordinated by Huygen IA, which offers a quick and efficient collaboration and consulting on a regular basis as feedback on annual meetings. In the Netherlands, a strong collaboration is established with the Dutch Governmental Programs Energiesprong and Stroomversnelling, by partner BJW. This collaboration provided input for work package 6.

Work package 2 Technology development
The modular building envelope’s retrofitting elements decrease most of all heat loss through the building envelope that is usually the largest component in energy use of old residential buildings. Nevertheless required properties for the modular building envelope’s retrofitting elements may depend on specific building and balance of measures for energy saving and energy production on site. Therefore in Task 2.1 it was analysed what kind of requirements exists for modular elements to meet following targets for nZEB, 80% reduction and ZEB.
The objective of Task 2.2 is to develop basic modular elements for façades and roofs. The development until M18 was focused on collection of requirements on the renovation packages from all geoclusters. From this information were derived overall requirements on the wall modules. There was developed a decision-making tree, which helps to determine the dimensions and shapes of wall modules and location of connections of the integrated building technologies.
Development of the universal basic wall panel started in M12 and the actual state was presented and discussed with experts within the focused session of MORE-CONNECT at the international conference CESB16 Prague.
Task 2.3 “HVAC solutions” provides technology inventory and review of all components that are necessary to climatize the buildings. The main challenge of this deliverable was to define HVAC systems’ dimensions and design specifics in four European geoclusters. The report “HVAC solutions” focuses on the ventilation systems and energy units. The integration of embedded ventilation systems is a major challenge for practical application of prefabricated panels. In the scope of this task, the analysis of ventilation systems’ design in the project countries was performed and main design parameters, such as necessary air flow, duct diameters and air velocity were defined. The SWOT analysis made for different types of ventilation systems provided a clear guidance for selection of most appropr

Final results

- Integration of several technical components, corresponding with the function of the element in multifunctional elements; first façade element and ‘engine’ (prefab installation platform) developed by BJW for living lab house in Heerlen, NL. Two houses under monitoring now.
- Design of combined smart Plug&Play connectors (mechanical, hydraulic, air, thermal, electric and ICT)
- New combined methodology and tool devised to determine cost optimal configurations, related to energy use and embodied energy. Extension with IEQ parameters under investigation now.
- A new study showed that in the design of highly insulated concrete walls in cold and humid climate it is important to properly evaluate the initial state of constructions and consider critical weather loads in order to determine the feasible hygrothermal performance.
- The initial moisture content of the concrete wall and a right choice of air&vapor barrier layer has considerable impact on the entire envelope performance. Results showed that in the renovation of prefabricated concrete large panel buildings, it is possible to achieve good results and build sustainable solutions according to up-to-date requirements of nZEB in a cold and humid climate.

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