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INTO-CPS project deliverables

The page lists 21 deliverables related to the research project "INTO-CPS".

 List of Deliverables

INTO-CPS: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

Tool chain Extension Modules– Year 2

Tool chain Extension Modules– Year 2 (m24) This deliverable consists of a document and tool baseline that contains the following sub-deliverables:
a) An implementation of a traceability module, which allows tracing of requirement artifacts from co-simulation models to test automation tools. (LIU)
b) An implementation of a model-checking component which enables bounded model-checking for an abstracted CT model. (VSI)
c) First release of the code generator. (AU)
d) Extended DSE support that includes features to help optimise the experiment space (reducing the number of simulation runs) and support for objective functions to rank results ppropriate to the case studies. (UNEW)

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Other 2019-10-29

Foundations 2

This deliverable will contain several sub-documents, some of which are updated versions of sub-documents defined in Deliverable D2.1.
a) Updated version of SysML foundations and SysML to FMI transformation rules. (UY)
b) Final version of the semantics for VDM-RT, including Time and Interruption. Operational semantics will be provided, and described in a standard format such as the Ott language.(UY)
c) Initial version of the semantics for continuous-time modelling, using the existing operational semantics of Modelica to formulate a denotational model. (UY)
d) Initial semantics for FMI, in the form of a static semantics, which will allow consistency checking, and a partial dynamic semantics which we will give in the form of a structural operational semantics. (TWT)

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-10-08

Tool chain Extension Modules– Year 3

Tool chain Extension Modules– Year 3 (m36) This deliverable consists of a document and tool baseline that contains the following sub-deliverables:
a) Full integration of existing tools for DSE, test automation, and code generation into COE (UNEW)
b) Demonstration of integrated co-simulation/testing as part of one use-case, where test procedures generated from a test model will be executed against co-simulated models and HiL components. (CLP)
c) An implementation of a model-checking component which enables global model-checking for an abstracted CT model. (VSI)
d) The code generators and resource constraint targets are fully integrated into the COE. (AU)
e) Comprehensive DSE support including adaptive ACA with techniques that can optimise the experiment space based on simulation results (e.g. simulated annealing), as well fea- tures for visualisation of results and generation of analysis reports appropriate to the case studies. (UNEW)

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-31

Method Guidelines 3

Method Guidelines 3 (m36) This deliverable contains the final set of guidelines for the mature INTO-CPS technologies, updated from D3.2. This will be the final set of guidelines covering the top-to-bottom design flow of INTO-CPS. A final progress report is included, that includes a roadmap for the future of collaborative methods with co-simulation.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-31

Examples Compendium 3

Examples Compendium 3 (m36) This deliverable contains example and pilot study model descriptions demonstrating the final INTO-CPS technology developed inside
the project.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-31

Dissemination Year 3

Dissemination Year 3 (m36) This deliverable will report on a number of sub-documents, some of which are updated versions of sub-documents defined in D6.2:
a) Report on the delivery of the Summer School including a list of participants and the training course material. (UNEW)
b) A report providing an overview of all the KPIs used to measure progress in dissemination. This will include the public downloads of the project tools, the members of the IFG, the number of challenge problems modelled from the IFG and a full list of the publications produced and exploitation activities carried out during the year. This will also contain an overview of the ICT projects collaborated with. (TWT)
c) Promotional activities, and a concise report thereof. The report states the audience addressed and an analysis of the expected impact. (TWT)
d) A report of the final workshop with the interested members of the IFG where the status of the project and the possibilities of implementation of the project tools within the IFG will be assessed. (TWT)
e) A report will be delivered recording the final status of the INTO-CPS Association, including available tool chain and interested and signed up members. (LIU)
f) A report describing the final status of the exploitation activities within the consortium as well as the final exploitation plan. (TWT)

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2019-05-31

Foundations 3

Foundations 3 (m36) This deliverable will contain a number of sub-documents, some of which are updated versions of sub-documents defined in Deliverable D2.2.
a) Final version of SysML foundations and transformation rules from SysML to FMI. (UY)
b) Final version of semantics for continuous-time modelling. (UY)
c) Final version of semantics for FMI. (UY)
d) Report on linking Modelica and VDM-RT components in an FMI co-model. (UY)

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-31

Periodic progress report year 3

Periodic progress report year 3 (m36) This periodic progress report will include a description of the activities done and achievements obtained, progress towards the project objectives, deviations from the description of work, explanation of the use of resources, and how the recommendations of the previous review have been addressed.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-05-31

Platform Unification and Integration

Platform Unification and Integration Year 3 (m36) This deliverable will contain a number of sub-deliverables, all of which are updated versions of sub-deliverables defined in Deliverable D4.2.
a) Final realisation of the executable COE support, supporting all features of the extended FMI. This also includes final versions of user manual documentation on how to connect simulated models into a co-simulation. (CLP)
b) Final integration of OpenModelica, Overture and 20-sim on the COE using all features of the extended FMI. (AU)
c) Final support for constructing contracts for the COE from SysML. (ST)
d) Realisation of the traceability and model management tools providing provenance for developments carried out in INTO-CPS. (TWT)

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Other 2019-05-31

Dissemination Year 1

Deliverable D6.1: Dissemination Year 1 (m12) This deliverable will contain a number of sub-documents:
a) A report about the initial engagement with the IFG Members, as well as the additional input into the project requirements gathered during that period. (TWT)
b) A report giving an overview of all the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) used to measure the dissemination success of the project. This will include the public downloads of the INTO-CPS tools, the members of the IFG, the number of challenge problems modelled from the IFG and a full list of the produced publications and exploitation activities carried out during the year. (TWT)
c) A report detailing the structure and access levels to be implemented for the INTO-CPS Association. It will also detail the formal criteria and licensing schemes to be available for members of the Association. Furthermore it will include an invitation to be distributed to interested parties. (LIU)
d) A report on commercialisation preparation that will describe the results of the first survey conducted to elicit the potential for exploitation of the projects tool chain and methods. This includes the status of the exploitation activities within the consortium as well as the current exploitation plan. (TWT)

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-04-02

Method Guidelines 1

Deliverable D3.1: Method Guidelines 1 (m12) This deliverable comprises of two parts. The first part is aimed at (and written for) developers intending to use the INTO-CPS technology.
This initial deliverable will contain a description of the overall design flow for INTO-CPS and initial guidance on building co-models that contain multiple DE and CT models. The second part is a progress report on the state of the methods work, in particular including a survey of the State-of-the-Art.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-04-02

Dissemination Year 2

Dissemination Year 2 (m24) This deliverable will contain a number of sub-documents, some of which are updated versions of sub-documents defined in D6.1:
a) Promotional activities, as well as a concise report thereof. The report states the audience addressed and an analysis of the reception, such that future promotional activities can be adapted as necessary. (TWT)
b) A report providing an overview of all the KPI’s used to measure the dissemination success of the project. This will include the public downloads of the project tools, the members of the IFG, the number of challenge problems modelled from the IFG and a full list of the publications produced and exploitation activities carried out during the year.(TWT)
c) A report on the workshop with the interested members of the IFG, where the current status of the project and the alignment of the development with the IFG’s interests are assessed. A report containing the outcomes of webinars and the remaining activities will also be delivered. (TWT)
d) A report documenting the results of INTO-CPS in a more general context will be produced and presented to members of industry and the R&D community developing ICT
Projects. It will include a roadmap for the research planned in the remaining half of INTO-CPS. (AU)
e) A report will be delivered recording the status of the implementation of the INTO-CPS Association, including available tool chain and interested or signed up members. This will include the status of the implementation of the Association, including available software tools. A list of interested parties or signed up members will be included. Furthermore a roadmap for the continuation of the Association will be produced. (LIU)
f) A report that describes the results of the repeated survey conducted to elicit the potential for expoitation of the projects tool chain and methods. This also describes the status of the exploitation activities as well as the current exploitation plan. (TWT)

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2019-04-02

Platform Unification and Integration 2

Platform Unification and Integration Year 2 (m24) This deliverable will contain a number of sub-deliverables, some of which are updated versions of sub-deliverables defined in Deliverable D4.1.
a) An updated realisation of the executable COE support, supporting both fixed and variable time steps using extended FMI. This also includes updated user manual documentation on how to connect simulated models into a co-simulation. (AU)
b) Updated integration of OpenModelica, Overture and 20-sim on the COE using extended FMI. (CLP)
c) Support for constructing contracts for the COE from SysML. (ST)
d) Design of the traceability and model management tools providing provenance for developments carried out in INTO-CPS. (TWT)

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Other 2019-04-02

Foundations 1

Deliverable D2.1: Foundations 1 (m12) This deliverable will contain a number of sub-documents:
a) Initial report on foundations for the SysML profile for CPS modelling, including transformation rules from SysML to FMI. (UY)
b) Initial version of the semantics for VDM-RT, including a reference semantics for object orientation. Operational semantics will be provided, and described in a standard format such as the Ott language, to aid the tool chain implementers [63]. (UY)
c) Mechanised UTP theory of differential equations, as a prelude to the continuous-time semantics. (UY)
d) Initial report on foundations for FMI co-modelling. (TWT)

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-04-02

Method Guidelines 2

This deliverable is an updated version of D3.1, expanding to cover guidelines for using the model management and Design Space Exploration (DSE) features of the INTO-CPS technologies, along with an update of the progress report.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-04-02

Examples Compendium 2

Examples Compendium 2 (m24) This deliverable contains example and pilot study model descriptions demonstrating INTO-CPS technology available during the first 24 months. It lays out a roadmap for the final 12 months of case study and example development to test and demonstrate upcoming INTO-CPS technologies.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-04-02

Platform Unification and Integration 1

Deliverable D4.1: Platform Unification and Integration Year 1 (m12) This deliverable will contain a number of sub-deliverables:
a) A realisation of the executable COE support, supporting fixed time steps using existing FMI. This also includes user manual documentation on how to connect simulated models into a co-simulation. (AU)
b) Integration of OpenModelica, Overture and 20-sim on the COE using existing FMI. (LIU)
c) Initial support for constructing contracts for the COE from SysML. (ST)
d) A report with the design documentation of the COE and FMI extensions. (AU)

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-04-02

Examples Compendium 1

Deliverable D3.4: Examples Compendium 1 (m12) This deliverable contains example and pilot study model descriptions demonstrating baseline INTO-CPS technology. It lays out a roadmap for the next 12 months of case study and example development to test and demonstrate upcoming INTO-CPS technologies.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-04-02

Periodic progress report year 2

Periodic progress report year 2 (m24) This periodic progress report will include a description of the activities done and achievements obtained, progress towards the project objectives, deviations from the description of work, explanation of the use of resources, and how the recommendations of the previous review have been addressed.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-04-02

Periodic progress report year 1

Deliverable D7.2: Periodic progress report year 1 (m12) This periodic progress report will include a description of the activities carried out and achievements obtained, progress towards the project objectives, deviations from the description of work, explanation of the use of resources.

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Documents, reports 2019-04-02

Tool chain Extension Modules– Year 1

Deliverable D5.1: Tool chain Extension Modules– Year 1 (m12) This deliverable consists of a document and tool baseline that contains the following sub-deliverables:
a) A basic integration of existing tools for DSE (including an extension to OpenModelica) and test automation with the COE. (UNEW)
b) A distributed testing and simulation network, enabling distributed execution of co-simulation and test automation components. (VSI)
c) A report describing the necessary techniques to abstract from a concrete CT model into a finite DE model while preserving all safety relevant features. (VSI)
d) A report describing the design principles for the code generator. (AU)

Programme: H2020-EU. - Topic(s): ICT-01-2014

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Other 2019-04-02