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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - OrganiCity (OrganiCity – Co-creating smart cities of the future)


In order to realise its ambitious project vision, OrganiCity has devised seven high-level project objectives (PO). These objectives have motivated the design of well-defined work packages (WP) that break down the respective challenges into more detailed objectives at a Work...


In order to realise its ambitious project vision, OrganiCity has devised seven high-level project objectives (PO). These objectives have motivated the design of well-defined work packages (WP) that break down the respective challenges into more detailed objectives at a Work Package (WP) level (OX.Y). These can be found in the WP tables of Section 3.1. A definition of the project objectives and how they map on to the detailed WP objectives is provided as follows: PO1: To design an accessible world class facility for the creation of future Internet-enabled smart city solutions, based on a common replicable architecture demonstrated across three leading urban innovation environments that empowers citizens and other societal actors to become an integral part of the smart city innovation process. PO2: To create a set of innovative co-creation tools that augment the OrganiCity facility with capabilities for the co-creation of urban ICT infrastructure, knowledge and services from urban data and to validate their usability and effectiveness through both controlled and real world experiments and use. PO3: To foster communities of engaged citizens and stakeholders that on one hand actively contribute to the creation of the facility tools and on the other hand become part of the co-creation experiments for future smart city making. PO4: To federate the facility with relevant European and International experimental facilities, specifically FED4FIRE and FI-LAB to make the capabilities of OrganiCity available to these environments WP specific objectives. PO5: To generate a wave of new experiments that demonstrate the effectiveness of the co-creation process in delivering trusted smart city solutions that are more closely matching community needs and adoptable by society; taking privacy into consideration. PO6: To develop new insights into the governance and exploitation of co-created infrastructures and services for smart cities and how they impact organizational processes of cities. PO7: To develop and implement business model(s) for the OrganiCity facility and its services that ensure sustainability beyond the project life time and to foster the sustainable exploitation of emerging prototypes and solutions from experiments. In order to verify a successful achievement of the above objectives and to quantify their impact, a set of success indicators has been identified in the second year. These success indicators encompass multiple performance dimensions that will provide a basis for ensuring the sustainability of the project. This work is ongoing and the consortium’s twofold focus is on city councils on the one side and SMEs and larger players.

Work performed

WP1; As an overall conclusion, WP1 is on track, and all partners are contributing as expected. Additionally, all clusters are greatly active in conducting community engagements, and co-creating knowledge that feed into the OrganiCity consortium. WP2: The goal of the task 2.1 is to define the OrganiCity Experimentation as a Service model and API. The work carried out during this second year has extended the work we did during the first year. They are related to the OrganiCity Experimentation as a Service model and the APIs that support the Experimentation as a Service, the Federation of the different OrganiCity Sites, the specification of the assets data model to be adopted by the sites federated within the OrganiCity facility, the specification of the Experimentation Management and the Facility Management frameworks and the definition of the interactions between different components within the OrganiCity Experimentation as a Service facility.WP3 all the activities was performed together with the others partners. WP4 has progressed towards its objectives during this second year of the OrganiCity project, validating the architectural decisions taken in WP1 as well as the implementation and integration of key enablers carried out in WP3 and WP2 respectively. In order to perform the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the whole OrganiCity platform as well as its tools and enablers, a set of canonical scenarios have been defining, including the list of functional requirements per tool that they will validated against to. WP5 In Year 2 the main goal of WP5 has been to initiate and execute the first open call and to support the evaluation and selection of proposals as well as the monitoring, execution and assessment of successfully selected experiments. This is done with a co-creative approach. The work is divided into three tasks. Co-Creation of Open Calls,Execution of Open Calls, WP7As coordinator, AU has collated deliverables, and has ensured that these have been reviewed internally before submission to the EC. AU also keeps a log of all submitted deliverables and other OrganiCity key documents, including the reports. In addition, and as a special case for the OrganiCity Experimentation-as-a-Service facility, an Experiment Agreement has been agreed upon. This agreement is the legal contract between the Coordinator, representing the Consortium, and third parties representing Experiment Groups using the OrganiCity facility. In the second year, the OrganiCity consortium has focused its efforts on the implementation of the open call process and on consolidating the technical work with building the Experimentation- as-a-Service Facility.

Final results

Impact of the OrganiCity facility will first be realized when experimentation enabled through the first Open call, launched in 2016, has been completed. Impact so far has been achieved through community engagement and awareness activities.

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