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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - WeLive (A neW concept of pubLic administration based on citizen co-created mobile urban services)


WeLive will give place to a novel We-Government ecosystem of tools (Live) built on the Open Data, Open Services and Open Innovation paradigms that is easily deployable in different public administrations and which promotes co-innovation and co-creation of personalized public...


WeLive will give place to a novel We-Government ecosystem of tools (Live) built on the Open Data, Open Services and Open Innovation paradigms that is easily deployable in different public administrations and which promotes co-innovation and co-creation of personalized public services through public-private partnership and the empowerment of all the stakeholders to actively take part in the value-chain of a municipality or a territory.
The Open & Collaborative Government ICT infrastructure proposed offers tools to transform the Needs into Ideas, then tools to select the best Ideas and create the Building Blocks necessary to build the envisioned solutions, and finally a way to compose the Building Blocks into mass market Applications which can be exploited through the WeLive marketplace.
Proofs of concept of diverse nature WeLive personalised public services are planned to be trialled in 4 different European cities, namely Bilbao, Trento, Novi Sad and Helsinki-Uusimaa region. The aim is to assess and measure across four different European locations, the economic and social impact of an Open and Collaborative Government solution as the one proposed by WeLive. The specific societal and technical objectives are:
SO1 – promote the economic growth and job creation with added-value vertical apps and datasets.
SO2 – increase transparency and trust in public administrations through new datasets and apps.
TO3 – provide holistic support for the Open Innovation process of public services.
TO4 – streamline the exploitation of Open Data from public services.
TO5 – democratize creation of novel public services.
TO6 – enable personalization and analytics of public services.

Work performed

The main duty for the 2nd year has been the execution of the phase I of pilots. Taking as input the platform v1 and first range of services created across the 4 pilots, piloting has been executed from M14 (03/2016) until M23 (12/2016). The objectives tackled are:
Customize and extend already available assets to meet project functional requirements.
Release the WeLive framework components ready to be integrated, setup and used in the WeLive environments.
Perform the integration, set-up and population of the framework.
Undertake the planning of each of the pilots taking into account the initial defined services and the design of engagement campaigns to gather users for the pilots.
Design and execute the engagement and cooperation campaigns with the purpose of ensure a high participation of different stakeholders in the Pilot Phase I
Execute, monitor and log the results of each pilot to provide inputs for the pilots’ assessments, offering technical support and assisting the users involved in the pilots.
Evaluate the usability of the platform through citizen and stakeholders’ engagement.
Assess the impact on social, economic, ethical and transparency level’s aspects.
Identify and describe the Ethics aspects that should be taken into account during the project lifespan and the data protection policy.
Prepare a feasible business model to ensure the business impact and to define a step by step plan describing how to direct the project results into the market.
Ensure the sustainability beyond the project duration by developing a clear plan to exploit the results.
Keep generating dissemination artefacts, e.g. presentation, third and fourth newsletter, website and population of social network site profiles. During this period, WeLive partners have also participated in several events and conferences explaining the main concept behind the project, its resulting platform and the results obtained in its assessment through pilots.

Final results

The co-creation process is facilitated through a set of suitable web interfaces allowing all stakeholders not only to provide suggestions for the new services (by means of the Open Innovation Area component), but also to take an active part in the design, implementation and deployment of services (by using the Visual Composer) thus enabling them to assemble the services based on their personal needs. WeLive environment enables crowd-sourcing of data and co-creation of simpler services directly by the citizens, leveraging data contributed by the city through open data interfaces as well as by the citizens and businesses themselves. An important result in the 2nd period is the production of a Visual Composer , which enables the democratization on the creation of public services by enabling non-ICT users to easily assemble composite services that suit their personal needs using the city functionality building blocks through an easy to use web interface.
The creation and the delivery of services has been stimulated by using a vote/rate mechanism to elicit the best ideas and services; ideas receiving more backing will maximize their possibility to be implemented, while services receiving more votes will have more chances to be massively reused. This kind of mechanism will able to provide users with the feeling of being a real active part in the decision process of a city. The ecosystem is leveraging the latest web technologies and the open data provided by the public administrations, but also by any other entity, and is predominantly targeting smart phones and tablets as the most suitable service delivery channels for the modern city life. At the end of 2nd period there are 12 public services using the WeLive infrastructure. The WeLive ecosystem provides tools and functions for easy integration of various types of citizen’s devices (air quality, weather) as well as for the crowd sourced input on different topics and events happening in cities, thus supporting citizen co-creation of services in different domains of interest for the life in a city. A proof of this is the RESTful API provided by project which enables developers to easily consume heterogeneous datasets and connect with available building blocks. WeLive hopes that such an ecosystem might be a catalyser for the creation of applications that will be offered on city application stores (WeLive Marketplace) potentially bringing revenue to the creators and the contributors of each application, while at the same time simplifying and improving public services and the general quality of life in a city.
During M13-M24 the WeLive framework, as a set of collaborative complementary components, namely Open Innovation Area (OIA), Open Data Stack (ODS), Citizen Data Vault (CDV), Decision Engine (DE), Analytics Dashboard (ADS), Marketplace (MKT), WeLive Controller UI and RESTful API and WeLive Player, has been integrated and then trialled. Each individual component has been adapted and extended from components from earlier projects. A strong emphasis has been given to make interoperable all these components and thus give place to the WeLive framework release v1. As a result, an integrated web interface ( and a RESTful API based programming interface ( has been created. The range of publicly available apps trialled in the 4 settings is available in The datasets, building blocks and public services developed by each task force have been deployed and published in the Marketplace.

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