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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - 5 LIVES (Search, Challenge, Fight, Care, Rescue for Lives.)


The main objective of 5-LIVES project is to provide innovative solutions, based in European Global Navigation Satellite Systems (EGNSS), to overcome various rotorcraft operational weaknesses identified in five different scenarios, related to emergency and other critical...


The main objective of 5-LIVES project is to provide innovative solutions, based in European Global Navigation Satellite Systems (EGNSS), to overcome various rotorcraft operational weaknesses identified in five different scenarios, related to emergency and other critical missions.

More precisely, the project will target three overall objectives:

* To provide innovative solutions that could improve the previous scenarios weakness identified, by defining and developing innovative services and applications based in the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems (EGNSS).
* To develop a complete business plan focused for each developed solution in order to identify the commercial aspects.
* To demonstrate and validate the main advantages of using EGNSS on each new solution implemented, by executing field trials activities and developing a final analysis report.

The main benefits for the society will be as follows:

* Provide innovative solutions to overcome operational weaknesses in rotorcraft industry: The 5 scenarios defined in the project work towards fostering the technology and concepts so the helicopter emergency operators can provide a better and safer service. These include PinS IFR procedures, Visual RNAV concept, IFR Low Level Routes, RNP-AR procedures, RPAS assisted maritime search and rescue missions and firefighting brigades rescue missions.

* Foster the use of EGNOS in helicopter (emergency) operations and in RPAS assisted operations: Demonstrate the benefits that EGNOS has in the described scenarios. Integrate EGNOS as the main source of positioning and integrity for navigation purposes and for the tools that provide additional assistance the missions.

* Dissemination, Networking and self-sustainable partnership among European companies and stakeholders: Close relationship between partners and also other stakeholders that can benefit from the outcomes of the project, to work together on the different concepts and demonstrators of applications during the whole 5-LIVES project duration.

Work performed

The work performed in this period towards the different objectives is as follows:

* Provide innovative solutions to overcome operational weaknesses in rotorcraft industry: The initial concept and technology assessment has been developed for the different objectives. This includes the study of the state of the art, the definition of the concept of operations and the definition of the requirements. Helicopters are equipped and IFR (GNSS) certified where applicable (except in Portugal, where this is in progress). The concept for Visual RNAV has been thoroughly studied and a concept of operations is defined. Requirements for tools that will be used in Scenarios 4 and 5 have been defined and the development is progressing towards the objectives. The locations and platforms that will be used for the demonstrations have been specified.

* Foster the use of EGNOS in helicopter (emergency) operations and in RPAS assisted operations: The Helicopters are equipped and IFR (GNSS) certified where applicable (except in Portugal, where this is in progress). The support system that has been designed and is being implemented for Scenarios 4 and 5 will integrate a GNSS SBAS TSO-145c (Beta-3) or TSO-146c (Delta-4) receiver. A contact with different providers for such receivers has been made and it is expected that this month the purchase will be made.

* Dissemination, Networking and self-sustainable partnership among European companies and stakeholders: Partners are in continuous contact and iterate outcomes with reviewers and project officer. Also, during the organisation of the 5-LIVES Advisory Group (FLAG) first meeting, many European stakeholders (mainly helicopter operators) where contacted and invited to attend. The outcomes of the meeting were used to refine project concepts. Other dissemination activities included the presentation of the project in the European Space Solutions conference. Besides, an interview was done with journalist that ended in an article in the Horizon Magazine. Finally, news about the project were disseminated using PildoLabs newsletter and news page in the company’s website.

Final results

5-LIVES copes with expected impacts of the “GALILEO-1-2014: EGNSS Applications” topic by presenting 5 different scenarios in which 5 different solutions (services and products) are developed to cover a necessity in emergency operations. All the solutions have, as fundamental basis, the usage of one or both EGNSS: EGNOS and Galileo location systems. Both systems are used inside the project, demonstrating the clear advantages of using them against other systems when applicable. To consummate a complete benefit report of EGNSS, for each scenario it is implemented a demonstration of the solution by performing field trials. The navigation data from demonstrations are analysed and post processed to obtain numerical values that could prove the benefits of the solution designed.

All the developed solutions have a clear objective to reach the marketing stage. Because of this, a specific task is developed at each scenario to draft a business plan or business case for the commercial exploitation of each solution. The overall results of each solution will be distributed to the aeronautical community with the support from EHA (European Helicopter Association), upon conference attendance and brochure material for the 5 scenarios developed.

5-LIVES will have a clear impact at EGNSS Programmatic level by promoting farther the introduction of services into the rotorcraft domain. The creation of an Advisory Group, in coordination with GSA and supported by EHA, shall ensure that operational concept material and required changes in regulations proposed, are going through a critical review at an early stage by most advanced and competent Civil Aviation Authorities in the domain, and participating countries. Clearly this might impact easing approval of those operations by National Authorities.

Last but not least, project impact is far beyond the limited set of scenarios worked out, since most of the generic navigation concepts (low level routes, RNP-AR) will be exploited and provide important benefits in the overall range of range of services provided for aerial critical mission, for example within energy sector in off-shore platforms, or any other services in the helicopter market like for example VIP transportation, touristic flights, among others. Those innovative navigation means shall also be an enabler for the development of advanced applications and other innovative building blocks for providing the service. The adoption of rotorcraft UAV in the helicopter market, both in the service loop or as a unique service block, will revolutionize and have a clear impact in the actual aerial business and contribute through innovative applications of such technology.

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