The strategic objective of the SupraChem Lab Project is to unlock and foster excellent research in the INSTITUTUL DE CHIMIE MACROMOLECULARA PETRU PONI (ICMPP) – IntelCentre by setting up a strong research group in the field of hybrid materials for adaptive self-organized...
The strategic objective of the SupraChem Lab Project is to unlock and foster excellent research in the INSTITUTUL DE CHIMIE MACROMOLECULARA PETRU PONI (ICMPP) – IntelCentre by setting up a strong research group in the field of hybrid materials for adaptive self-organized supramolecular structures. The project aims to improve the research capacity of ICMPP IntelCentre, as an outstanding Romanian research centre, by attracting and maintaining high quality human resources –recruitment of the ERA Chair Holder and other highly trained researchers, secondments of new research staff in leading European research centres with similar and complementary expertise, training the staff through participation in conferences, short training events, workshops, seminars dedicated to the use of new investigation techniques, etc. – and implementing the structural changes necessary to achieve excellence on a sustainable basis.
Considering the ICMPP development strategy, the research challenges in the Romanian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the Horizon 2020 objectives, the ultimate goal for the IntelCentre is to build an optimal scientific research team capable of improving its excellence both within
ICMPP and within the European research and innovation landscape. It is very important to match the IntelCentre research topics to the level of leading international laboratories and to place the Centre at the forefront of research in the field of supramolecular chemistry.
\"The project started on 01.07.2015 and the first activity concerned the recruitment of the ERA Chair Holder taking into account the EC requirement that he/she should be both an outstanding researcher and research manager in the field of supramolecular chemistry, with a proven record of effective leadership skills – equivalent of Leading Researcher (R4). An open and merit-based recruitment process was followed based on both the Romanian and European legislation.
Based on the results of the recruitment process, Dr. Mihail-Dumitru Barboiu was appointed and his contract started on 10.10.2015. Dr. Barboiu with the support of the International Advisory Board and National Advisory Board put in place a Scientific and Management Plan\"\" for the SupraChem Lab group. According to this plan, the group was organised in four different sub-projects: (a) Dynamic Interactive Systems for Constitutional Water and Ion Channels; (b) Constitutional systems for DNA transfection and drug delivery; (c) Dynameric networks and gels for delivery, cell recognition and cell growing; (d) Modelling and Theoretical chemistry of constitutional systems. During the first implementation period of the project activities concentrated mainly on the start-up of the new research group. In the first reporting period, emphasis was placed on the training of the new team: two trainings with members of the IAB were organised (May and September 2016); one week training on ICMPP equipment; three trainings stages to IAB members. In spite of the short period of the team\'s existence, several dissemination activities have been performed and six articles were published.
The second 15 months (M16 -M30) of the the SuparChem Lab project\'s implementation involved important activities related to: (a) reorganisation of the competition for the ERA CHAIR position. Following the resignation of the former ERA Chair, the new SupraChem Lab ERA Chair holder – Prof Marc Jean Medard Abadie was recruited; (b) consolidation of the SupraChem Lab Group under the supervision of Dr Mariana Pinteala the Project Coordinator who was nominated to act as SupraChem Lab ERA CHAIR up to the recruitment of the new ERA CHAIR; (c) organisation of several trainings and other networking activities relevant for the new created group; (d) integration of Prof Marc Abadie the new ERA Chair in the SupraChem Lab team as of 1/03/2017; (e) supporting and monitoring the activity of the new group.
In the second reporting period, the training of the new team was one of the main goals of the project: 6 trainings events were organised in ICMPP; 4 one-week training specialists from abroad were organised in ICMPP; 7 trainings stages abroad and participation in several trainings organised by other institutions. The project activities were disseminated via several different means and special attention was given to outreach and networking activities i.e.: 26 articles have already been published in peer reviewed journals and the SupraChem Lab team partook in 46 international conferences.
\"As per the \"\"Scientific and Management Plan\"\", the research of the newly composed group focuses on Dynamic Interactive Systems-(DIS) operating under the natural selection to allow structural/ functional adaptability in response to internal constitutional or stimulant external factors. The main targets demonstrating the ground-breaking nature of the SupraChem Lab group have as follows: (a) to improve the understanding of the adaptive functional self-organization towards the natural selection of the components by exploring the synergistic influence of internal structural self-assembly based on constitution and of self-evolutive behaviours on the addition of stimuli; (b) to ensure accurate control of functional responses through dynamic platforms developed through tuned incorporation of responsive components into nanostructures, with the extension toward the construction of appropriate micro-scaffolds; (c) to investigate application avenues towards larger impact of developed bio- and environmental responsive “smart†systems like membranes and delivery systems cell recognition and cell growing devices. Therefore, a very important scope for the SupraChem Lab group is to achieve new fundamental knowledge and to assist the development of new hybrid materials with supramolecular structures.
All these will equally contribute to the increase of the quality of research according to the NE Romanian Smart Specialisation Strategy objectives and to the creation of a working environment attractive for both experienced researchers and ambitious young researchers. Based on this idea, the SupraChem Lab project can assume a key position in supporting the increase of regional competitiveness and the integration of the Romanian expertise in supramolecular chemistry into the broader European research landscape.
In view of the strategic objective of the SupraChem Lab project, the impact of the project results will affect relevant external stakeholders, such as: (a) Members of the Chemical Sciences Section of the Romanian Academy – to benefit of their scientific expertise; (b) Prestigious international scientists – cooperation, support and monitoring performed by the International Advisory Board (IAB); (c) NE Romanian Development Agency – focusing on the NE Romanian Region objectives for Smart Specialisation Strategy that can benefit from research and innovation based on supramolecular chemistry; (d) Other local and regional stakeholders – several universities from Iasi, Suceava and Bacau, which can provide candidates for the new created group, different SMEs that produce medicines that could collaborate with the new research group. All external stakeholders have shown real interest in the establishment and implementation of the new group in ICMPP – especially, in the context of the ERA Chair initiative – and have also already expressed their willingness and commitment in supporting the implementation of the SupraChem Lab project.
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