\"The goal of TASPPI is the development and use of small molecules that work as \'molecular glues\' between the contact surfaces of regulatory protein complexes. These molecules have the potential to be developed into an entirely new class of therapeutic agents. Most drugs that...
\"The goal of TASPPI is the development and use of small molecules that work as \'molecular glues\' between the contact surfaces of regulatory protein complexes. These molecules have the potential to be developed into an entirely new class of therapeutic agents. Most drugs that are currently developed are based on inhibitors of proteins like enzymes (fro example kinases and proteases). However, in many physiological instances, stabilization of regulatory complexes could create a therapeutic benefit in many diseases. Importantly, this strategy has been validated by the fact that a number of natural products - among them the immunosuppressants rapamycin and FK506 or the anti-cancer agent taxol - mediate their physiological effect by stabilizing specific protein-protein interactions (PPIs). We are working on PPIs of the 14-3-3 protein class. These adapter proteins are so-called hub proteins that interact with several hundred other proteins in human cells. Among their interactions partners are many human-disease related proteins like Tau (Alzheimer\'s disease), LRKK2 (Parkinson\"\"s disease), p53, C-Raf, c-Myc (cancer), IRS, Foxo1 (diabetes), CFTR (cystic fibrosis), and NFkappaB (inflammation), for example.
In all the aformentioned cases, stabilization of 14-3-3 binding to these proteins would convey a positive effect on disease progression and could be used clinically. Also in the case of 14-3-3 PPIs, a class of natural products is known that stabilize the binding of 14-3-3s to its partner proteins. These so-called fusicoccanes have already been shown to display a physiological effect by enhancing the binding of 14-3-3 proteins to C-Raf and CFTR. Detailed structural biology and biophysics studies revealed how these natural products stabilize the 14-3-3/partner protein complexes. In the course of these studies it could be shown that fusicoccanes bind to well-defined protein interface pockets and working like a glue between the proteins. This \'natural-product validation\' of the 14-3-3 PPI stabilization concept is the starting point for our projects to also identify more chemically tractable starting points for drug discovery.
Small-molecule stabilizers of PPI show a number of advantages over more traditional drugs, among them their uncompetitive nature and their potentially higher specificity. This means that we can expect from this approach new opportunities for hard to treat diseases like neurodegeneration (Alzheimer\"\"s and Parkinson\"\"s disease) or many cancers. Especially in these disease we can expect a steep rise due to the ageing populations not only in Western societies but also in countries like China and India. Hence, finding new and effective therapeutic solutions in these disease areas is among the most pressing societal demands in the next decades. The novel concept of PPI stabilization can deliver an important contribution for addressing these challenges.
The overall objective of this training network is to educate a new generation of Life Science researchers that have established small-molecule stabilization as a new concept for chemical biology and drug disocvery and that has the best employment opties possible to build a career on this concept either in academia or industry.\"
In the first year of TASPPI mainly the basis of the identification and characterization of a number of 14-3-3 PPI project was laid. This includes the establishment of assays for measuring the binding of 14-3-3 to its partner proteins as well as the respective co-crystal structures of the 14-3-3 protein complexes. In addition to in-vitro assays, also some cellular systems were prepared to analyze the physiological potency of the compounds in development. Among these assay are subcellular localization systems for for example nuclear receptors and transcription factors.
In total 4 different screening assays, plus 7 biophysical characterization assays were developed, several compound liraries were screened and 19 co-crystal structures were solved. The first screening hits are available and currently confirmed by a number of methods, including cellular assays.
A number of training modules, training events and a sumer school has been organized for the young researchers working in TASPPI. In addition, the first publications have been accepted and many more are in preparation.
In this project we will develop a new class of drug development candidates for novel therapeutic approaches for a number of diseases like Alzheimer\'s, cancer, and inflammation. Stabilizing regulatory protein complexes will significantly increase our possibilities for pharmacological intervention in yet not successfully treatable diseases.
More info: http://www.tasppi.eu/.