The objective of phase 1 is to assess the feasibility study of launching to market a European 3D smartphone and tablet (Exi3D), obtaining all the information needed for success. Quantify all the costs of the production process, carry out a risk analysis of production...
The objective of phase 1 is to assess the feasibility study of launching to market a European 3D smartphone and tablet (Exi3D), obtaining all the information needed for success. Quantify all the costs of the production process, carry out a risk analysis of production, distribution and commercialization, as well as an Intellectual Property Status. Contact suppliers and distributors and make presale agreements, as well as a business and a financial plan to assess all resources efficiently and successfully.
We have obtained a thorough understanding of the smartphone’s and 3D market state. An IPR analysis has been investigated in depth, as well as the smartphone’s market and the 3D’s market. The work packages to be done during phase 2 have been organised and explained, a financial feasibility and plan and a commercial, dissemination and business plan explained.
Work packages for the tablet (Ergonomic Optimisation, programming and planning, physical implementation and testing phase) and for the tablet and smartphone (marketing, preparation of the commercial launch and project management) successfully completed. Successful launch of the European smartphone and tablet Exi3D to market, enabling users to record 3D videos, watch 3D videos, while using the most used device of all times.
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