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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - REMOSIS (A novel smart trap station as an Internet of Things surveillance solution to remotely count and identify the species of disease-carrying mosquitoes)


REMOSIS addresses the problem of disease-carrying Mosquito Species that invade Europe due to climate change. Our goal is to prevent the loss of billions of Euros, the infection of millions of citizens and most importantly, the deaths of thousands registered every year...


REMOSIS addresses the problem of disease-carrying Mosquito Species that invade Europe due to climate change. Our goal is to prevent the loss of billions of Euros, the infection of millions of citizens and most importantly, the deaths of thousands registered every year worldwide. Insect detection and counting is typically performed by means of traps, which are regularly manually analyzed. Even using the most efficient traps, like the BG-Sentinel trap from BIOGENTS, the main problem is that the manual inspection is very expensive, representing >95% of pest surveillance costs.
BIOGENTS is a world leader in the development, production and commercialization of surveillance traps for mosquitoes. Our customers real need is to get reliable information about mosquito populations in a given area; therefore the next disruptive leap lies in making the traps smart. Together with IRIDEON, a specialist in IoT sensor applications, and TEIC, a specialist in species recognition, we want to disrupt the very market where we compete and change the rules that run it, reducing operation costs by 80%! With a new electronic trap, we will be the first in the world to combine human mimicking with automatic pest information in their value proposition.

The overall objectives of the Project are:
1- Develop an advanced trap station with insect counting module and remote management tools.
2- Develop an advanced design and testing of an optoelectronic sensor.
3- Advanced prototyping of the WSN- Wireless Sensor Network (nodes and gateway).
4- Development of a cloud application specific for Mosquito surveillance.
5- Integration and field trials and pilots of the REMOSIS prototype system.
6- Deliver REMOSIS onto the market and into society.

Work performed

The coordinator Biogents ensured smooth and timely communication with the Project Officer. Biogents oversaw that all milestones were met and all reports were delivered according to contract. Biogents also supervised the financial administration of the project, collecting, reviewing, handling, distributing and submitting information.
Each partner ensured effective use of resources and the coordinator Biogents monitored this, assessing deviations and effectiveness of processes. Periodical meetings enabled an effective supervision of progress, risk management, corrective actions and impact on project timings.
In terms of IP and Knowledge Management, all partners were actively engaged. Biogents and Irideon, supported by TEIC, worked on the identification of relevant and potentially new IP and all commercial potential offered by these.

A web page of the project was created and several dissemination and communication materials were produced: flyers, banners, brochures, etc. All partners were engaged in dissemination and communication action all over the world. Partner TEIC concentrated its efforts on the scientific community, participating in several congresses and preparing two scientific articles. Irideon focused its efforts on international industrial congresses and trade fairs specialised in IoT, and public bodies and generic media in Spain and Portugal. Biogents promoted the project to a mix of audiences: general public, scientific community, public bodies, companies and pest management professionals. They actively participated as speaker in several congresses in Europe, USA and Asia.

TEIC produced the TRL7 optoelectronic sensor prototype, which was extensively and successfully tested in laboratory with live insects. The sensor is capable of differentiating mosquitoes from other insects with very high accuracy. Furthermore it is also capable of differentiating with very high accuracy males and females of a given mosquito species. Regarding species identification, the sensor can achieve high accuracy levels when capturing the signal of a moquito free flying though the sensing area. The prototype was tested in insect cages and several species were used. The prototype was also tested using the frame of the BG-Sentinel 2 trap, placed within an area limited by a special net. Mosquitoes were released into the net and were captured by the trap. This simulated the conditions found out in the field and the results achieved were satisfactory.

Irideon has worked on the electronics of the final REMOSIS unit, and these have achieved TRL8. As soon as the final optoelectronic sensor is selected, it will be directly integrated (integration is immediate, no development is required) with the electronics and the whole prototype will be ready for trials and pilots. These electronics have the design optimized for mass production at very competitive prices, enabling Irideon to produce these in Spain with total control on the quality of each produced unit already compliant with international standards and CE mark requirements. This avoids the classic approach of finding a cheap manufacturer in China with obvious limitations on the control over production and quality.
The architecture of the web application has been designed and a first prototype was developed to be trialled together with customers. In the course of year 2 of the project, the partners will continue the improvement of the web application thanks to the direct feedback from our beta-testers…customers themselves.
The server application consists of two domains: one with information and news on the counter, and one with a dashboard, from which traps can be controlled and monitored. Each trap has its own web page, which can be used to manage or modify the trap’s settings, access and look at the data the traps has recorded, and download the data for further data processing.

The BG-Counter unit was used to test and demonstrate the hard- and software compon

Final results

Progress beyond the state of the art

1- High capture rate costing 50% less than competitors.
2- Data collected automatically (counts and species ID).
4- The system acquires pest in real-time.
5- Timely implementation of control measures with precision and cost-effectiveness .
6- Provide Health Protection Agencies with a single computerized pest data system for the first time.
7- Full traceability and interoperability of pest data.

Expected potential impact:

• Sales of €5,2 million in 5 years;
• Eliminate costs of manual inspection of traps;
• Reduction of medical assistance and insecticide costs;
• Help fill a knowledge gap in ECDC policies;
• Improve sustainable and efficient control of disease-carrying mosquitoes;
• Addresses priorities of EC\'s Eco-innovation Action Plan and Environment Action Programme to 2020.
• Protect EU populations in urban and rural areas;
• Reduce the burden of the diseases carried by mosquitoes;
• Help expand business opportunities for SMEs and support employment;
• Improved implementation of ECDC guidelines and directive 2119/98/EC;
• Sustainable use of insecticides- EU regulations REACH and MRLs;
• Implementation of INSPIRE, GEOSS, and OGC/SWE standards.
• Sustainable use of insecticides ;
• Prevent diseases like Dengue, Zika, etc.;
• Support Health Protection Agencies with low resources;
• Contribute to climate change counter actions.

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