The preservation of cultural heritage by using digitization techniques is a very common method used by many European countries nowadays. The digital 3D modeling offers users the most realistic and trustworthy way of preserving precious artifacts from the various areas such as:...
The preservation of cultural heritage by using digitization techniques is a very common method used by many European countries nowadays. The digital 3D modeling offers users the most realistic and trustworthy way of preserving precious artifacts from the various areas such as: history, art, biology, etc. The digital 3D models have wide application in science, education and industry. The most accurate method of creating realistic 3D models is panorama photography, which offers users a precise way of capturing reality. The only method of creating the digital 3D model from panorama photography is photogrammetry, however currently available methods of processing and computing might be considered as very time consuming and not reliable.
Parallel photogrammetry system (PAPHOS) serves the need for processing high-resolution object panoramas into digital 3D models. The whole system continuously processes object panoramas from EDICO´s digitization system WITIKON with high resolution and special boundary conditions. This novel approach rapidly increases visual quality and decreases the time of 3D model computation due to using parallel photogrammetry algorithms.
Whole computing is performed in the cloud or local CPU/GPU cluster. Project reacts to customer needs, such as less time consuming operations in the computing process and possibility of photogrammetry parameters change, better control of final 3D model, and possibility of using cloud computing. Problems outlined and solutions proposed are based on our previous research projects in the field of cultural heritage digitization.
With PAPHOS system EDICO SK plans to grow up in the terms of its team (+ 15 employees by 2021) and sales (+ 3,6 M € of revenue in 2021) by targeting markets in the field of cultural heritage on EU-scale and later also worldwide. After minor modifications the PAPHOS system can be used also for other market segments like videogame development or movie industry.
We challenge the conventional methods for digitization of cultural heritage that was not designed for mass processing and provides results only of limited quality. 3D Genio solves the problem of missing solutions for cost-effective high quality and quick 3D model generation offered as a service. Powered by distributed cloud computing and the most up-to-date software algorithms and hardware components, which enable a hundred-fold speed increase to the process, 3D Genio becomes a benchmark in productivity and bringing the highest quality mass digitization to the sector.
The PAPHOS project Phase 1 has defined an ambition to bring to market a new photogrammetric system PAPHOS that enables rapid creation of 3D models with unprecedented quality of texture.
The feasibility study answers essential questions for further product/service development. Six months execution phase has enabled in-depth analysis and real market data acquired in personal meetings with global market players as well as preliminary market testing. These facts and forecasts enable a well-informed decision on the market focus, service viability, business plan and company strategy. On of the major outcomes is the strategic partnership with a high-tech company setting the worldwide standards in computation of 3D models (product RealityCapture).
Main results achieved:
- market study for primary market (cultural heritage) and definition of secondary markets (3D GiS, virtual reality, gaming, social media, agriculture)
- quantitative and qualitative research with user personas (questionnaire, interviews)
- creation of focus group of 8 museums across the EU willing to become pilot users of the system
- competitor analysis and testing of their products identifying the directions of product development
- strategic partnership established with Capturing Reality for Phase 2
- technology roadmap definition in work-packages
- relations built with contractors for the product implementation
- creation of product website
- innovation strategy of the company formulated
The service will bring our customers expected results (3D model processing) with the highest quality for the competitive price on a market. The aim is to use the market opportunity that was discovered during the implementation of a large-scale national project COMENIANA. It was proven by exact methods, that none of existing providers is able to process 3D objects into the digital 3D models sufficient with excellence.
The processing itself takes plenty of time (counted in days), and requires high technology investments – computing is done via several interconnected GPUs and CPUs, which means for customers: high primary investments into the technology infrastructure (HW), constantly update the HW and significant cost of energy and time resources. Our service will provide the customer with final digital 3D model in higher quality and significantly less time period than currently commercially used computing methods.
In contrast, PAPHOS/3D Genio will be offered as a service, which will eliminate the customers’ costs for purchasing the software license and necessary hardware. We are about to offer a disruptive innovation using the latest ICT technologies based on cloud computing, with the significant added value for customers namely in the areas of quality and time efficiency.
Expected impact
1. Company business development by introducing a new high-end service to EU (and global) customers, creating a new business unit and investments to innovations.
2. New service available to customers supporting their digital transition by provision of rapid and highest quality 3D models needed for their new business (VR, GiS, etc.).
3. Societal impact by promoting the cultural heritage digitisation from 2D (scans/ images / object panorama) to 3D enabling new use cases for audience engagement
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