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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - RESCCUE (RESCCUE - RESilience to cope with Climate Change in Urban arEas - a multisectorial approach focusing on water)


RESCCUE aims to deliver a framework enabling city resilience assessment, planning and management by integrating into software tools new knowledge related to the detailed modelling of strategic urban services performance. These tools will assess urban resilience from a...


RESCCUE aims to deliver a framework enabling city resilience assessment, planning and management by integrating into software tools new knowledge related to the detailed modelling of strategic urban services performance. These tools will assess urban resilience from a multisectorial approach, for current and future climate change scenarios and including multiple hazards. This approach will be validated in 3 EU cities (Barcelona, Lisbon and Bristol) that will allow testing the innovative tools developed in the project and disseminating their results among other cities.
RESCCUE aims to help cities around the world to become more resilient to physical, but also social and economic challenges. Through a multisectorial approach and a new philosophy promoted by the local resilience offices, RESCCUE wants to remove traditional obstacles related to sectorial analysis.
RESCCUE tackles a set of specific objectives:
1. Compilation and analysis of the different predictions available to set-up future climate-related scenarios in a coherent way and suitable for users’ needs.
2. Improve the understanding of the effects of selected climatic drivers on the urban water cycle in each research site and identify vulnerabilities of each urban service that will lead to increase social security.
3. Assess the direct impacts of these drivers on all the urban services and the cascade collateral impacts on the ones connected to them for current situation and future climate change scenarios. The impacts will be assessed in terms of hazard and risk for each analysed urban service for the whole set of selected scenarios at each research site.
4. Validate and further develop a specific existing tool (HAZUR®) to assess urban resilience with respect to different climatic pressures, based on the interaction among different urban services. Define key performance indicators (KPI) to be applied into the subsequent simulations in order to indicate alert levels. In addition, the improvements related to the operational performance of urban systems will be evaluated, as the urban resilience framework generated will be designed to be adapted to the operational platforms currently in use by urban operators.
5. Explore and assess the economic and societal impacts of multiple feasible mitigation and adaptation measures and technologies to reduce climate change effects on the urban services and their collateral impacts. Based on the impacts evaluated on key urban services and on the needs of end users enrolled in RESCCUE, an inventory of the most appropriate mitigation and adaptation options will be established. The result will constitute a portfolio of validated and prioritized improving resilience strategies, integrating technological and non-technological alternatives, to better cope with challenges raised by climate change.
6. Elaborate a Resilience Action Plan (RAP) for each of the case study cities, considering the inputs of all local partners and stakeholders of each site and led by the three involved local resilience offices. The civil protection and emergency sectorial plans will be analysed to improve coordination during crises, as these plans can benefit from RAPs inputs and vice versa.
7. Build a shared awareness and perception of challenges and opportunities, in order to guide actions and future collaborative approaches, by engaging leading universities and research centres, local governments, large companies and SMEs from the three research sites.
8. Deliver an Exploitation and Business Plan including a detailed market assessment of the RESCCUE outputs in order to undertake a proper market deploy of the set of models and tools created once the project is completed.
9. Dissemination and networking, in particular towards the potential users and customers.

Work performed

RESCCUE\'s methodology begins with the analysis of climate change variables, as they are the main driver putting pressure in the analysed cities. Related to climate change analysis, all the tasks planned have been completed, generating future predictions suitable for users’ needs for the three research sites (including scenarios with extreme events).

The detailed analysis of sectorial models is also critical. The hazard maps will increase the understanding of how urban services affect others. The models identified have been set up, calibrated and validated. Then, the hazards for the current situation and future scenarios (without adaptation strategies being considered) have been modelled.

Once the hazards are identified, impacts can be modelled. Several methodologies and tools to assess impacts have been identified and updated. These methodologies have been used to quantify the impacts corresponging to the several hazards, for the current and future scenarios (without adaptation strategies being considered).

Moving from the sectorial view to a holistic one is one of the key goals of the RESCCUE Project. Therefore, a holistic resilience assessment with the tool HAZUR has been done in the three research sites. Feedback from the implementators of HAZUR tool was collected, so new functionalities and the modules for Climate Change and Strategies could be developed. This new version of the tool is now being used to carry out a re-assessment in each city.

Once the problems are identified and analysed, RESCCUE also aims to find the best solutions to cope with these impacts. In order to do this, several measures that could be implemented to increase resilience in the cities have been analysed, and gathered in a database for possible use by the cities. Then, a tool allows to combine and particularize the measures in order to build strategies that finally, can be prioritised. Two different approaches to prioritise strategies have been defined depending on the level of information available. These are now being used in the hazard, impact and holistic assessements so the effectiveness of the strategies can be assessed.

As RESCCUE is not the only urban resilience initiative that exists, it is important to validate the work done with what is being done elsewhere. Therefore, the previous work carried out in the three cities has been reviewed. A Resilience Assessment Framework (RAF) has been created, together with the RAF APP that eases its use. This will be used to elaborate the Resilience Action Plans for each city.

In order to reach RESCCUE\'s target audience, all the communication materials and strategies to disseminate RESCCUE have been prepared, together with RESCCUE\'s website and the Exploitation and Business Plans. The local workshop and the final conference are being organized.

Final results

RESCCUE will have a significant impact on the urban resilience sector in Europe, because it will deliver tools to enable city resilience assessment, planning and management and it will incorporate new knowledge of their urban systems performance under climate change conditions that currently is not integrated in this type of tools:
*Rapid large-scale deployment and market uptake of climate change adaptation solutions.
*Contribution to the development of technological and performance standards for adaptation options.
*Improving innovation capacity and the integration of new knowledge
*Strengthening the competitiveness and growth of companies by developing innovations meeting the needs of European and global markets; and, where relevant, by delivering such innovations to the markets
*Environmental and social impacts

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