In an effort to bring science and society together in Europe, and consequently increase the continent’s international competitiveness, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education must be more relatable to European youths to raise their interests and...
In an effort to bring science and society together in Europe, and consequently increase the continent’s international competitiveness, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education must be more relatable to European youths to raise their interests and involvement in STEM careers. This project proposes an educational platform with multi-level components, designed and developed on the base of a well-researched pedagogical framework, which aims to make STEM education more attractive to young people from age 10 to 18 years old. Universities, schools, teachers, students, parents, business and media partners come together to complete a circle in which STEM becomes a part of the daily life of youths through an educational portal that also prepares them for future careers.
The socially motivational platform for emotional and educational engagement, herein referred to as the STIMEY platform, will combine social media components (the present), robotic artefacts (the future), and radio (the past) to educate, engage and increase the youth’s interest in STEM education and careers. The platform, with individual e-portfolios, will be designed to tap into the children’s curiosity and motivations from a young age. The platform will take into account the specific needs of girls and boys, to be attracted and stay with STEM in a social collaborative environment with serious gaming and healthy competition among peers.
The platform will give teachers the necessary modern tools to deliver STEM education in an attractive and engaging manner in-class, while also following up on students’ progress even outside of class. It will also enable parents to keep track of their children’s progress, and easily communicate with their teachers to collaborate on the children’s development. Moreover, the open platform will allow businesses to invest in the development of children’s talents and skills in line with the economic and labour market needs through entrepreneurial tools, activities and competitions.
The participants from the partner universities, responsible for the management and development of this project through a series of well-knit work packages, have extensive experience in research in STEM education, and will take every measure to ensure the platform is designed in line with the principles and guidelines of Responsible Research and Innovation. The participants, being from various European countries, are also in an optimal situation to study and factor in the European market needs, share resources and sufficiently test the project outputs to avoid risks, then communicate, disseminate, and exploit the project, its resources, results and outcomes across Europe to maximise impacts and benefits in the short-, mid- and long-term.
In summary, the novel educational platform, developed based on extensive research, testing and European-wide collaboration, will revolutionise STEM education and bring it on a par with young generation’s interests and expectations, while also being scalable to grow as they do, supporting them from early childhood education until they embark on their own careers in STEM fields and in turn support the economic and social development of Europe
WP01 Project management and coordinating tasks completed and / or still in progress: The development of the management and communication foundation of the project. D1.1 - STIMEY Project Plan, D1.2 - STIMEY Quality Assurance and Risk Assessment System (QA&RAS) and the results of the first reporting period in D1.3 STIMEY Yearly Progress Report.
WP02 Pedagogical framework and design principles tasks completed and / or still in progress: The initial phase of the pedagogical framework and design principles are described in D2.1 Pedagogical framework, V1 (initial version).
WP03 Social Media Concept Design tasks completed and / or still in progress: The research and implementation/integration of the social media concept is described in D3.1 Initial Concepts and Guidelines and D3.2 Social Media Design and Uploading.
WP04 Stakeholder & Data Collection tasks completed and / or still in progress: The research, identification and categorisation of end users are described in D4.1 End-users and stakeholders records for Europe, D4.2 Methods for involving Stakeholders V1 and D4.4 End- user requirements and use case V1.
WP05 Platform Analysis, Design, Development and Testing tasks completed and / or still in progress: The STIMEY educational environment platform design is described in D5.1 STIMEY Platform Prototype 1 and D5.2 STIMEY Platform Prototype 2.
WP06 Evaluation Methods and Tools tasks completed and / or still in progress: The research on theoretical background systematisation and evaluation methodologies for STOC and project progress are described in D6.1 Theoretical background analytical report. STOC evaluation methodology handbook and tests manual.
WP07 Socially Assistive Robotic Artefacts for students’ emotional enhancement, community bonding and learning device tasks completed and / or still in progress: Users’ needs analysis for the design, development and manufacture of robotic artefacts is described in D7.1 Social framework and students’ needs.
WP08 Entrepreneurial tools tasks completed and/or still in progress: Development of pedagogical and didactic fundamentals and methods for the design of entrepreneurial serious games. D8.1 Pedagogical and didactic fundamentals for the entrepreneurial tools.
WP09 Interconnectedness with existing tools/interoperability/connectivity issues, Learning Comp. Description Language: (Initial) Identification of components and their attributes for the definition of the Teaching and Learning Definition Language (TLDL) is described in D9.1 Component + Attribute Identification and D9.2 Component language, System interfaces and Data exchange mechanisms definition
WP10 Exploitation and Dissemination Plan tasks completed and / or still in progress: To raising awareness, visibility and relating STIMEY Project Findings to a wider audience with STIMEY website and 24 hour Broadcasting Radio. D10.1 Web-Portal of STIMEY Project and D10.7 A Data Management Plan.
Some socio-economic and societal impacts that are being working towards:
increasing EU’s economic competence by supporting the development of quality STEM teaching and learning and future STEM professionals and integrating Eastern European countries in the European development (already working with Belarus) through the STIMEY educational platform. Creating technological innovations which can be commercialized to create businesses through the STIMEY Robotic Artefacts. Publishing scientific publications to support the research-based development of technological learning solutions. Connecting STEM teaching and learning with the labor market needs through integrated social media in the STIMEY educational environment and assuring that STEM learning environments will consider the gender balance and attract also girls through well researched integrated Gender Sensitive Guidelines. Connecting formal school learning with informal (e.g., free time) and non-formal (e.g., science museum) education on the 24 hour STIMEY Broadcasting Radio and increasing creativity and entrepreneurship amongst children and youth to support the future innovation and business with STIMEY Serious Games. Communicate, disseminate and exploit the results to increase awareness of the issues worked in the project.
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