The ultimate purpose of the ANYWHERE innovation action is to empower exposed responder institutions and citizens to enhance their anticipation and pro-active capacity of response to face extreme and high-impact weather and climate events. This will be achieved through the...
The ultimate purpose of the ANYWHERE innovation action is to empower exposed responder institutions and citizens to enhance their anticipation and pro-active capacity of response to face extreme and high-impact weather and climate events.
This will be achieved through the operational implementation of a Pan-European multi-hazard platform providing a better identification of the expected weather-induced impacts and their location in time and space before they occur. This platform will support a faster analysis and anticipation of risks prior the event occurrence, an improved coordination of emergency reactions in the field and the self-preparedness of the population and activities at risk.
This improvement of the pro-active capacity to provide adequate emergency responses capitalizes on the advanced forecasting methodologies and impact models made available by previous RTD projects, maximizing the uptake of their innovative potential not fully exploited up to now. The consortium is build upon a strong group of Coordinators of previous key EC projects in the related fields, together with 12 operational authorities and first responders institutions and 6 leading enterprises of the sector.
The platform will be adapted to provide early warning products and locally customizable decision support services proactively targeted to the needs and requirements of the regional and local authorities, as well as public and private operators of critical infrastructures and networks. It will be implemented and demonstrated in 6 selected pilot sites to validate the prototype that will be transferred to the real operation. The market uptake will be ensured by the cooperation with a SME and Industry Collaborative Network, covering a wide range of sectors and stakeholders in Europe, and ultimately worldwide.
During this first reporting period the majority of WPs and Tasks have been devoted to develop the main tools and platforms of the project.
A theoretical framework about co-ownership in innovation (M1.1) has been designed and presented in the ANYWHERE workshop held in Genoa in which the project has been presented and discussed with the external partners, stakeholders and enterprises (M1.2, M7.1, M8.2, M9.1 and D1.1). Visits to the main 4 pilot sites to compile the needs and requirements of the Users have been carried out between March and April 2017. The results and the feedback provided by the practitioners are included in D1.2.
The multi-hazard algorithms, which are the kernel of the ANYWHERE Multi Hazard Early Warning System (MH-EWS), have been compiled (D2.1, D2.2 and D2.3) and integrated (M3.1, D3.1 and D3.2), and the weather-induced hazard forecasting products are now available (M3.2).
An online catalogue of the different hazard-forecasting algorithms and products integrated in the MH-EWS is available at (M2.1), and these algorithms and products have been successfully exhibited during the 2nd Workshop held in Helsinki (M8.3 and M2.2), as well as the preparation of self-protection tools and the ANYCaRE serious game (M5.1) and the pilot site demonstrations (M6.1), showing the huge innovative potential of the developments in progress and planned in ANYWHERE.
Regarding the ANYWHERE platform For Decision support in Emergency Management Operation Services (A4DEMOS), several difficulties encountered during these first months have delayed its development. But at the end of the period two A4DEMOS versions were ready to be tested by the Users in the pilot sites of Catalonia (A4CAT) and Liguria (A4LIG).
Other supporting actions have been developed, including the IPR protection plan (D7.1), the Website (D8.1), the Communication and Dissemination Plan (M8.1 and D8.2) and the evaluations provided by the Expert Advisory Board (M9.1 and M9.2).
Four ANYWHERE videos have been produced and are available in the project website
During this period the phase in which the Impacts of the project are achieved is not yet initiated.
However, a number of significant steps beyond the start of the art and to reach innovative goals have been initiated.
The main results and the first versions of the ANYWHERE platforms have been exhibited during the 2nd ANYWHERE Workshop in Helsinki, and have received an enthusiastic support from the external institutions participating in the Stakeholders\' Board (37 institutions in Helsinki) and in the Network of Implementing Parties (36 enterprises in Helsinki), anticipating the interest that ANYWHERE will raise once the demonstrations in the 6 pilot sites will be started.
The concept of these platforms is an innovation disruption in the field, since they are able to integrate the hazard impact forecasting products served by the MH-EWS, with high resolution local impact models (like PROPAGATOR in the case of wildfire propagation for instance) and with the regional layers of exposure and vulnerability in the emergency command centres. All this information available is processed to identify the affected critical points, including their characteristics and location, and other advanced services designed to support decision making of the emergency managers.
The figure uploaded (A4Cat_v6_PROPAGATOR.jpeg) shows an example of this innovation. The present version of A4CAT in Catalonia is already able to integrate the meteorological forecasts of wind, temperature and humidity and the forecasts of the fire hazard indicators provided by the MH-EWS. Additionally, the PROPAGATOR model provided by CIMA has been integrated at local scale to forecast the wildfire propagation from an initial combustion area. In the present version, A4CAT is able to identify the area potentially affected in the next hours (area over 50% of probability to be affected is shown in the Figure). The forecasted burnt areas are then crossed with the exposure and vulnerability information to identify the potentially-affected critical points, allowing to focus the attention on them and decide the best actions to take before they have been affected.
This example illustrates the concept of the integrated platform developed in ANYWHERE through the example of the A4CAT functionalities in the case of wildfire. The same scheme is already implemented for Floods and Droughts, and is currently tested by the Users of the Catalonia pilot site. It is also ready to be applied in the A4LIG platform, and it will be extended later to the rest of pilot sites (as soon as the rest of the A4DEMOS versions will be ready to be implemented).
However, the critical element to convert these potentialities into real innovations, and overpass the planned impacts of the project, is the constant interaction and feedback between scientists, experts, IT developers and the emergency managers and first responders.
This crucial work, that we called co-creation and co-ownership, plays a central role in ANYWHERE from the very beginning, and it is the foundation on which the full project is built. The keystone to allow that the Users’ needs and expertise guide the entire innovative process, from the design to the implementation.
This is why the 12 operational authorities that are ANYWHERE partners are the compass of the project, aligning the objectives and the developments to the goal of making a true step forward towards innovation in emergency response during weather-induced emergencies.
This is why ANYWHERE is really a Users’ driven innovation action.
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