EFFORTI plans to develop an evaluation tool which allows ministries, enterprises and research institutions to be able to assess their measures to promote women and/or pro-mote gender aspects in research projects efficiently and in a targeted manner. The novel contribution of...
EFFORTI plans to develop an evaluation tool which allows ministries, enterprises and research institutions to be able to assess their measures to promote women and/or pro-mote gender aspects in research projects efficiently and in a targeted manner. The novel contribution of EFFORTI to evaluation practice is that it‘s framework will not only allow to assess the attainment of gender equality targets in a narrow sense but rather effects on research and innovation results in general.
The outcome of the project will be to make available an online tool to evaluate measures to promote women and/or gender aspects in R&I and in the content of research projects as well as a final report and several publications targeting an academic as well as a non-academic audience. This toolbox will propose an innovative evaluation framework and contain relevant parameters and indicators as well as inspiration and help to qualify the methodology of data collection.
The basis for EFFORTI is the observation that a better integration of women into the research and innovation system as well as taking into account gender aspects in research and innovation projects has a significant impact on the methodology and on the quality and relevance of research and innovation results. In order to verify this assumptions we will develop and test an evaluation model which does not only draw on existing knowledge on how to measure research and innovation results but also describes current discourses how the traditional evaluation approaches can be extended regarding the in-tegration of the concept of responsible research and innovation. Another unique feature of EFFORTI is thus not only to focus on traditional RTDI indicators such as patents and publications but to examine particularly potential effects which emerge when imple-menting processes to reach more responsible research and innovation results.
The study team carried out a comprehensive desk research as a basis for the collection of a preliminary list of relevant indicators. Particular emphasis was given to map existing
• evaluation concepts of GE measures and instruments,
• concepts for the measurement of research and innovation outputs,
• approaches for impact assessment,
• studies how to monitor RRI
Based on existing evidence, the project team undertook the following steps:
First, identifying the most relevant indicators suggested by the literature review
Second, clustering these indicators into different categories, dimensions and sub-dimensions which are based on GE-related literature and smart practice examples implemented in different organisations and contexts.
Third, substantiating and conceptualising these indicators according to an evaluation logic model differentiating between input, (throughput,) output, out-come and impact aspects.
Fourth, the indicators are illustrated at micro/individual or team level, meso/organisational level and macro/policy or country level. Contextual indica-tors are treated as cross-cutting indicators which have comprehensive influence on indicators from input to outcome.
The interventions and measures for which the EFFORTI toolbox aims to provide evaluation support are embedded in different contexts with regard to socio-economic and political systems and organizational settings and thus develop differently according to their context. For this purpose, seven country notes have been written (for Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Spain and Sweden where the contextual framework conditions like the structure and performance of the innovation systems, the governance of gender equality in RTDI and the relevance of gender equality in RTDI have been described. These reports also mapped existing evaluations of initiatives and programs to promote gender equality in RTDI and the dominant evaluation culture in each country.
EFFORTI will provide a set of concrete lessons, principles and related guidelines, enhanced awareness and capabilities across the research and innovation systems valuable forto the processes of designing, implementing and and evaluating GE measures.
Our toolbox in conjunction with our interaction and dissemination programme will sup-port practitioners in their day-to-day practice, directly influence the embedding of GE and underpin a learning programme for the design, implementation and evaluation of GE measures.
Our fieldwork, lessons and guidelines, through their interactive generation, will enable all stakeholders involved to contribute to a significant change in the way GE becomes better integrated in and disseminated across core RTDI activities and organizations within Europe.
EFFORTI has a strong potential to lead to economic effects in European and subse-quently global markets in the long- term since improved GE with its three main compo-nents improve RTDI outputs and outcomes also with regard to RRI. Sound GE practices across the research and innovation systems will thus not only help to spread RRI all over Europe, but also contribute to more innovative products originating in Europe.
More info: http://www.efforti.eu.