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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Safe Hydrogen Fuel (Safe Hydrogen-On-Demand Fuel for E-Vehicles)


HFC are considered an efficient conversion technology of Hydrogen-to-electricity. Hydrogen is considered as a clean energy carrier. Combined together they have great potential to contribute to addressing energy challenges facing Europe, including the reduction in its carbon...


HFC are considered an efficient conversion technology of Hydrogen-to-electricity. Hydrogen is considered as a clean energy carrier. Combined together they have great potential to contribute to addressing energy challenges facing Europe, including the reduction in its carbon emission.

HFC technology has a significant role to play in a number of energy end-use sectors, including public and private transport that contributes ~20% of Europe\'s carbon emission. FCEV allow more sustainable transport, using a powertrain technology that is clean, efficient and makes better use of natural energy resources – thus helping to decarbonise the transport sector, address the issue of poor air quality and reduce noise pollution.

A number of light and heavy-duty FCEVs are already in circulation in Europe, but increasing their number to a commercial scale requires lowering the price through technological development and mass market production processes. FCEV commercialisation depends largely on the development of infrastructure for the production, storage, and distribution of Hydrogen, as well as special refuelling stations. Currently, only a small number of Hydrogen refuelling stations exist in Europe (and worldwide), and refuelling station costs need to be reduced to make them commercially viable.

The challenges of Hydrogen as an energy storage solution are:
• Exploiting the exciting attributes of fuel cells hinges on developing cost effective Hydrogen production & Hydrogen Infrastructure as much like electricity, Hydrogen transport & storage is expensive & difficult
• Hydrogen is dangerous to use - wide explosive range & invisible flame. Current codes for Hydrogen use & storage are onerous and impact its cost

Hydrogen Production & Distribution:
Hydrogen has a very good energy content by weight (about 3 times more than gasoline) but it has a very low energy content by volume (about four times less than gasoline). This makes storage and distribution to the point of use very costly. The ability to store Hydrogen safely, reliably and cost effectively is one of the challenges facing the widespread use of Hydrogen as a form of energy. The storage of Hydrogen is particularly challenging for vehicle applications where more severe constraints exist in terms of acceptable mass and volume.

Estimates of Hydrogen infrastructure investment are complicated by significant uncertainty. The cost of Hydrogen supply infrastructure for road transport is estimated to be in the order of several hundred billion dollars. Assuming large-scale, centralised Hydrogen production, the cost of worldwide pipeline-based distribution systems for road transport could range from $0.1 to $1.0 trillion. The incremental investment in re-fuelling stations would be somewhere between $0.2 for centralised Hydrogen production and $0.7 trillion for decentralised production. A full Hydrogen economy (i.e., widespread use of Hydrogen in transport and stationary sectors) would require global pipeline investment in the order of $ 2.5 trillion, the bulk of which would be to finance supplying commercial and residential customers.

Much work is currently being done on trying to develop low cost reliable means of storing both liquid and gaseous Hydrogen. How Hydrogen is produced can influence the method and cost of delivery. Centrally produced Hydrogen from large scale plants, results in longer transport distances that increase delivery costs. Decentralised production at the point of use, such as refuelling stations or power generation sites eliminates the delivery costs but results in higher production costs. The Terragenic solution allows enjoying the best of two worlds! Centralised production of low cost and safe Hydrogen fuel combined with low cost distribution infrastructure and storage requirements.

What are the overall objectives?:
Terragenic’s safe Hydrogen-on-demand technology address the two Hydrogen challenges listed above: its innovativ

Work performed

\"The purpose of the proposed Phase 1 Feasibility Study is to define a framework together with European partners for the development of a FC e-vehicle prototype. Such development may be the base for SME instrument – phase 2 application.

Our methodology for analyzing and gaining a solid understanding of the market, through its segmentation, strong -points, threats, pain points, and most importantly – potential level of interest, key selling points, pricing and business model for the our offering, combined two independent approaches:

In-direct market information through study of market reports and research published by government entities such as the Fuel-Cell & Hydrogen (FCH) initiatives as well as private sector market research firms, and direct market study via engagements made by TG personnel. Leveraging our extensive industry network we engaged, visited and held discussions with, leading industry players across the value chain, across different European and other geographies (namely China), and at various corporate positions. Our European interactions for this study includes, among others (**see attached \"\"Table - Methodology\"\" GIF**):

The method to identify product-market-fit, and appropriate partnership structure is based on the below process which we followed:

• Process: market mapping (please see page 8 to 12) → partner identification and qualification → define partnership structure → partner selection.
• Output: Partnership structure and partner selection

Product definition:
• Process: Define initial Product Requirement Definition (PRD) → discuss PDR with partners and modify to market needs → conclude demonstrator PDR
• Output: Product Requirement Definition (PRD) for first business case and demonstrator vehicle project

Final results

\"The key underlining impact of the technology is to accelerate the mass adoption of Hydrogen based zero-emission vehicles, and through this assist Europe to meet its emission reduction targets.
Using the Terragenic technology, one H2Kg cost is as low as 50% of conventional Hydrogen and FCEV TCO is reduced by ~30% compared to BEV and compressed hydrogen vehicles!

Making Hydrogen safe, easy to handle and cost competitive will assist to overcome the barriers for mass- adoption of heavy duties EVs (bus, truck, delivery, logistics vehicles ) of range anxiety and cost.
See the attached figure (\"\"E-Bus benchmark table\"\") that demonstrates this. Making a safe and cost competitive heavy duty vehicle available will create surge in the uptake of vehicles by governments, municipalities and fleets, and in turn reduce the emission generated by Europe\'s leading in emission generation car segment.

The Terragenic/Arcola range-extender product will be based on an existing range extender offered by Symbio to the Symbio FCell Kangoo ZE H2 vehicle. The purpose of that product is to extend the range of that commercial light electric vehicle so to make it fully functional.

The attached table (\"\"Kangoo proposition\"\") outlines the Terragenic technology based range extender advantages over the other configuration.

The Growth Potential is huge in case of the range extender product as presented in attached table (\"\"Revenue model\"\") in terms of revenue and employment creation. In addition to the first product the growth potential is even higher as new products based on the technology are developed to e-bus, larger vans and taxis to name a few.

The project success brings additional benefit in the form of employment creation. New ventures to support the Terragenic vehicle eco-system are composed of:
1. T-Systemâ„¢ design and manufacturing: multiple factories for the various T-Systemâ„¢ product line. Each car model would require a customised system. Great demand for T-Systemâ„¢ will arise with adoption of the technology by other mobility segments such as EVs, trains, drones to name a few/
2. Range extender design and manufacturing: Mew factories will be required for the manufacturing of the range extenders, which in turn generate demand for the European manufacturer Symbia fuel-cell
3. T-Pot™ facilities: much like the refinery supply chain, with 150k vehicles in 2022 there will be a need for 5-10 recycling facilities of the T-Fuel. As the technology spreads in Europe dozens of T-Pot facilities will be built (similar in number to refineries). With each facility creating between 50 – 100 direct employment opportunities, the potential grows to thousands.


Website & more info

More info: http://n.a..