The CA-RES3 is a structured and confidential dialogue between national authorities responsible for the implementation of the Directive 2009/28/EC or their nominated representatives. In the CA-RES3, participating countries exchange experience and best practices, participate in...
The CA-RES3 is a structured and confidential dialogue between national authorities responsible for the implementation of the Directive 2009/28/EC or their nominated representatives. In the CA-RES3, participating countries exchange experience and best practices, participate in a cross-learning process and develop common approaches. The CA-RES3 is organised around 5 Core Themes in the areas of RES electricity, RES heat, guarantees of origin and disclosure, biomass mobilisation and sustainability and RES in transport.
The main objectives of the Concerted Action on the RES Directive 2009/28/EC (CA-RES3) are as follows:
- Facilitate a structured exchange of information, experience and good practice regarding the implementation of the RES Directive between participating countries, and
- Support the effective implementation of the RES Directive in participating countries.
The Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) coordinates the CA-RES3. Partners and participants are nominated organisations from 27 EU Member States plus Norway and Iceland. The CA-RES3 is a confidential process and is directed solely at the national implementing bodies, as it is designed to contribute to the effective implementation of methodologies and legislation concerning the Directive 2009/28/EC.
The CA-RES3 covers the following Core Themes (CT):
- RES electricity: support schemes (Art. 3), RES integration in electricity systems and markets (Art. 16) and cooperation mechanisms (Art. 3,4, 6-11)
- RES heat: RES heating (Art. 13, 16), RES in buildings (Art. 13), and training (Art. 14), support schemes for heating (Art. 3)
- Guarantees of Origin and disclosure (Art. 15)
- Biomass mobilisation and sustainability (Art. 4, Art. 17(9))
- RES in transport (Art. 17-19)
The core of the work within the Concerted Action is organised around a series of six two-day plenary meetings. The first CA-RES3 plenary meeting took place in Bratislava on 22-23.3.2017. The second plenary meeting was held on 22-23.11.2017 in Zagreb. The third plenary meeting is scheduled for 25-26.4.2018 in Warsaw.
In order to meet the above-mentioned objectives, the following results are expected to be achieved:
The framework of best practice and information exchange will be consolidated and improved.
The participating countries will strengthen and expand the network of experts enabling further cooperation beyond the duration of the CA-RES3.
Specific areas will be identified throughout the process, where a stronger coordination and common approaches between the participating countries would be beneficial.
Based on six years of knowledge and experience of the participating countries, an overview of policy instruments and measures promoting the use of energy from renewable sources will be developed, so that the participating countries can build on other successful approaches and avoid pitfalls.
The third phase of the CA-RES also provides further opportunities to explore possibilities for common approaches in specific areas of implementation of the RES Directive.
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