The increasing price of electricity in Europe conducts residential buildings and industries to invest on renewable energy sources, to reduce the electricity consumption from the grid. The technical objective of the project is to obtain a final product complying with the market...
The increasing price of electricity in Europe conducts residential buildings and industries to invest on renewable energy sources, to reduce the electricity consumption from the grid. The technical objective of the project is to obtain a final product complying with the market requirements and regulations studied in this document. We will do effective pilot demonstrations and optimise the system components providing the best value for money as studied in our financial plan. We aim to open commercial channels in Europe, and search for investors and engage stakeholders to commercialize the product. We have confirmed our FtO in the international markets and assessed our patent strategy. We expect to maximize the impact of the project by disseminating the LCpT system in public demonstrations at conferences, workshops and public events in front of future investors, stakeholders and end-users.
We estimated savings and reduction of energy consumed from the grid and planned the actions to scale up the production and do 3 pilot tests. We set business margins, revised the market strategy, evaluated risks and assessed our IPR strategy. We carried out a full cost/benefit analysis and evaluated the total investment requirements to bring the product to the market, and revised the global business plan.
To achieve the mandatory levels of EU-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 will require switching to low-carbon energy sources as renewable sources, and LCpT fits totally in this commitment. Alternatives currently in the market rely on batteries to store energy, while our solution implies the use of an intelligent combination of batteries and supercapacitors for a better and more efficient energy storage utilization. Our solution will provide the energy storage needed to balance the power fluctuations produced by renewable energy sources bringing to the customers a complete solution to manage their production and be self-sufficient to satisfy their energy consumption, reducing significantly the bill up to 90% thanks to its 94% degree of autonomy, allowing a payback of 4 years for the final user. LCpT can be used in residential buildings and industrial complexes equipped with renewable energy sources, and it can be also used in antennas, electric cars, advertising panels and in the UPS field. In addition, the solar trailer could be addressed for special applications such as off-grid applications and civil operations in emergency camps where no electricity is available.
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