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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MARISA (Maritime Integrated Surveillance Awareness)


While the sea is vital for European economy, it can also be used by criminals and terrorists. Threats in the maritime domain are several: piracy, trafficking of drugs, illegal immigration, illegal fishing, arms proliferation, environmental crimes (e.g. oil spill) and maritime...


While the sea is vital for European economy, it can also be used by criminals and terrorists. Threats in the maritime domain are several: piracy, trafficking of drugs, illegal immigration, illegal fishing, arms proliferation, environmental crimes (e.g. oil spill) and maritime accidents/disasters. In order to manage all those threats, and taking into account the number of European and National government agencies that have missions on sea, Europe needs to enhance cross-border and cross-sectoral cooperation to deliver maritime security.

MARISA focuses on four major objectives:
O1. Create improved situational awareness with a focus on delivering a complete and useful comprehension of the
situation at sea
O2. Support the practitioners along the complete lifecycle of situations at sea, from the observation of elements in the
environment up to detection of anomalies and aids to planning
O3. Ease a fruitful collaboration among adjacent and cross-border agencies operating in the maritime surveillance
sphere (Navies, Coast Guards, Customs, Border Polices) in order to pull resources towards the same goal,
leading to cost efficient usage of existing resources
O4. Foster a dynamic eco-system of users and providers, allowing new data fusion services, based on a “distilled” knowledge,
to be delivered to different actors at sea by the integration of a wide range of data and sensors

These objectives translate into a set of activities built on two major pillars:
1. Delivering enhanced maritime surveillance through the MARISA toolkit
2. Validating the new capabilities in the operational trials across Europe

Work performed

\"The main achievements in the reporting period (M1-M18) can be summarized as follow:
1. Overall plan for project management, risks and quality (WP1)
2. Communication and dissemination strategy plan (WP8)
3. Set-up and animation of the MARISA User Community (WP2)
4. Definition of user needs and operational trial scenarios (WP2, WP7)
5. Initial Design of the MARISA Toolkit (WP3)
6. Design and implementation of a suitable integration and test Platform (WP6)
7. Detailed design and development of the MARISA data fusion services (WP4)
8. Detailed design and development of the MARISA common services (WP5)
9. Definition of the integration and validation plan and procedures (WP6)
10. Definition of detailed operational scenarios (WP7)
11. Planning and preparation of the operational trials (WP7)
12. Communication and dissemination activities, first MARISA Workshop, Web site (WP8)
13. Execution of the Operational Trials (WP7)
14. Ethical and societal analysis and reporting (WP9)

The above activities have been accomplished through the following milestones:
MS1, Project Start
MS2, Initial definition of User Community needs, operational trial scenarios and strategy
MS3, MARISA Toolkit initial design
MS4, MARISA Toolkit delivery for phase 1 operational trials

Moreover, two User Community meetings (Helsinki, June 2017 and Madrid, January 2018) and the first MARISA Workshop (The Hague, June 2018) were carried out.
The MARISA User Community include “end user practitioners”, partners, associates and maritime surveillance experts.
Its objective is to explore and exploit the human capital in Member States and their institutions identifying operational needs, operational scenarios, existing gaps, acceptability issues and societal impacts that the proposed solutions may entail.
The design of MARISA therefore was built by integrating the users’ experience and design-development related R&D.
The User Community also provided guidance to the partners and enabled interactions in the consortium for the implementation of the data fusion technologies.
The members of User Community are all the MARISA partners including the “end users practitioners” that have joined MARISA as full partners: Italian Navy, Guardia Civil, Netherland Coast Guard, Hellenic MOD and Portuguese Navy.
It also included the associated partners that have expressed interest and have supported the objectives of the project.

All tasks were implemented as planned and described in DoA and the milestones were reached with no major deviations from the plan.
Some deviations in the reporting period are listed below:
a) Minor delay in the finalization of the user requirement and operational scenarios (MS2)
b) Delay in the consolidation of the Design Review (MS3)
c) Delay in the integration of the MARISA Toolkit (MS4)

The delay of the design and integration was mitigated with the parallel integration of the MARISA toolkit on the different Operational Trial platforms.
Consequently, the delays did not impact the overall execution of the Operational Trials, which were all planned and executed in the time frame September 2018-November 2018.

During the first reporting meeting, several boards were organized coherently with the established project governance.
Executive Boards (EB#1 The Hague, October 2017 and EB#2 Toulon, September 2018)
Technical Boards (TB#1 Toulon, September 2017, TB#2 Rome, March 2018, TB#3 Heraklio, May 2018)
Advisory Boards (The Hague, June 2018)
Security Advisory Boards (Rome, October 2018)


Final results

Aware that the integrated maritime surveillance today is a central and crucial topic for the European society, the main ambition of the MARISA consortium is to develop the necessary concepts and a solid baseline to create a
comprehensive toolkit of services that allows faster detection of new events, better informed decision making and achievement of a joint understanding of a situation across borders, allowing seamless cooperation between operating
authorities and on-site / at sea / in air intervention forces. MARISA will be completely integrated in the current European policy and deployment approach of the CISE system.
The progress Beyond State of The Art of each significant innovation can be summarized with the following main points:
1) Innovative use of Big Data Analytics as a service
2) Enhancement of open source solutions for Social Media data stream integration identifying events for multiple languages
3) Exploit new algorithms and techniques for manipulation detection fusing multiple signals
and correlating with AIS data
4) Automatic analysis of optic images and SAR complex data for assuring high Detection rate and low False Alarm rate for all object targets.
5) Improve coastline detection and increase the detection capability of small targets using new SAR sensors.
6) Integration of geospatial intelligence analysis with OSINT strategic information, for supporting event or change detection activities.
7) Extract contextual information from spatio-temporal data streams to transform this information in actionable knowledge.
8) Combine basic anomalies and establish a higher level designation of behaviour.
9) Use of a complex event processing engine extended with spatial functions and dynamic rules to streaming data.
10) Advanced multilevel visualization mixing different strategies on the basis of user-specific requests, allowing
situation analysis from different points of view.
11) Information from different sources is combined to make a better estimate of the future behaviour of the vessels.
12) Development of hard and soft fusion techniques for situation assessment under uncertainty

At the end of the first reporting period, the expected impacts are confirmed.
With reference to the contents of the Part B of the Annex 1 (DoA) no major deviations are reported or foreseen.

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