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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EQ Supreme (EQ Supreme is the cost-effective, ultra-thin silage stretch wrap able to completely eliminate feedlosses due to mould.)


Rapfast Ltd developed a disruptive technology to the agricultural sector that allows cost and environmental benefits to the supply chain. EQ Supreme is the first baling film proven to completely exclude air, reducing feed deterioration. Mould is eliminated leaving animal feed...


Rapfast Ltd developed a disruptive technology to the agricultural sector that allows cost and environmental benefits to the supply chain. EQ Supreme is the first baling film proven to completely exclude air, reducing feed deterioration. Mould is eliminated leaving animal feed rich in vitamins and carotene, allowing longer storage of animal feed providing increased efficiency and significant cost savings. EQ Supreme decreases the carbon footprint of bailing by allowing its users to apply less wrap, use less diesel and extend equipment life.

Work performed

Testing was undertaken on farms across Ireland. EQ Supreme has passed extensive application testing to maximise its performance. EQ Supreme has been tested on all application equipment to ensure the material meets anticipated requirements.
Rapfast Ltd partners in the educational sector have been vital in enabling the potential of EQ Supreme to be assessed in laboratory conditions. Research at development stage has provided understanding the breakdown of our production process, allowing to see the mechanical properties of materials, identifying the strengths and weakness. Our educational partners have assisted in IP protection prior to market entry, they have outlined the ideal IP protection needed for EQ Supreme to ensure the product will be safe once on the market.

Final results

Rapfast Ltd has identified potential JV partners in the EU through detailed analysis of current markets. Research has now started on the scaling up of EQ Supreme. For optimum benefit this should be carried out with manufacturing companies in different markets in the EU. This will provide for easier access to agricultural areas in the EU and the ability to meet the demand anticipated in coming years.
Enterprise Ireland have been vital in supporting market entry options for EQ Supreme. Once manufacturing parameters are tested and product trialled in agricultural situations over predetermined time frames, such as two successive harvests, EQ Supreme will add value across the supply chain in the agricultural sector.

EQ Supreme has been designed to maximise the barrier between the world and inside of the bale by creating a tortuous path for oxygen molecules, this allows the internal feed to be stored successfully, adding value to the farmer while having a knock-on effect through the agricultural sector - passing the savings in both time and costs down the supply chain. The next stage will be to develop the product to ensure it meets all market expectations.

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