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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - DOIT (Entrepreneurial skills for young social innovators in an open digital world. A European Initiative)


Problem addressedIn recent years measures such as the Youth Guarantee and Youth Employment Initiative significantly decreased the unemployment rate of young people in the European Union, but it is still high. In June 2017, in the EU28 in total 3.710 million or 16.7% of the...


Problem addressed
In recent years measures such as the Youth Guarantee and Youth Employment Initiative significantly decreased the unemployment rate of young people in the European Union, but it is still high. In June 2017, in the EU28 in total 3.710 million or 16.7% of the young people 15 to 24 years old were unemployed, in some countries over 35%. Therefore new approaches are needed to ensure that the young generation has the skills sought by employers or create new businesses themselves. Especially this concerns digital skills and an entrepreneurial mindset which allow turning creative ideas into business and employment opportunities.

Importance for society
New approaches for tackling youth unemployment through digital skills development and entrepreneurship education are a top priority for Europe. Lack of these competences risks damaging the prospects for young people, with serious implications for business and social innovation, economic growth as well as social cohesion due to increasing inequalities. But developing an entrepreneurial mindset and skills for digital innovation of young people should begin early on in schools, social organisations and businesses and new creative environments such as makerspaces.

DOIT objectives
The overall objectives of DOIT - Entrepreneurial Skills for Young Social Innovators in an Open Digital World are:
- Providing an environment based on the DOIT approach that empowers young people (6-16 years old), educators, makerspaces and social businesses to promote digital social entrepreneurship and innovation,
- Fostering entrepreneurial mindsets, attitudes and skills of children and young people through digital fabrication and maker movement knowhow with the DOIT toolboxes and platform,
- Bridging current gaps between makerspaces, schools, teacher training, entrepreneurship education and networks of social entrepreneurs through stakeholder mobilization and cooperation in the DOIT roll-out activities,
- Contribution, in the medium to long-term, to the creation of digital social innovation culture, higher youth employment, new markets and new jobs in the long-term.

DOIT will create, validate and spread a new approach to generating entrepreneurial and digital innovation knowhow and skills, especially targeted to create new employment and businesses in the social economy. The DOIT approach aims to empower primary and secondary school pupils (6-16 years old), together with educators and other facilitators, to apply open innovation methods, digital maker and collaboration tools to tackle societal problems. DOIT toolboxes and a collaboration platform will allow them developing entrepreneurial knowhow and experiencing being a digital social innovator, in both child-friendly local makerspaces and the DOIT web-based collaboration environment. Moreover the project will run roll-out activities to disseminate the DOIT approach and mobilise stakeholder engagement for adopting and scaling its application in the participating countries and across Europe.

Work performed

Within the first year (10/2017-09/2018), the project achieved the planned milestones (M1, M2), submitted all planned deliverables and contributed to addressed impact figures and results (e.g.five DOIT presentations at international scientific conferences).
More specifically, in the first 12 months the following results have been achieved:

- WP1: 3 project management meetings with participation of young social innovators were prepared and organized, internal communication platform, communication, reporting as well quality assurance measures are established, 7 of 8 ethic deliverables are submitted.
- WP2: DOIT concept, and preliminary DOIT materials for facilitators and children (toolboxes) are finalised and specific publications (e.g. on how to reach girls in makerspace) are available.
- WP3: The DOIT platform is ready (preliminary prototyp version).
- WP4: All pilot activities for the first testing phase of the DOIT programme are didactically and organisationally planned in detail and scheduled for the 10 practice regions; regular practice partner meetings are established.
- WP5: WP5 shall start later, but we already have planned and implemented methods to establish a European network and support for the future memorandum of understanding.
- WP6: Evaluation approach and instruments are developed, procedures described in the evaluation handbook (for all practice partner); a first field test was successfully carried out (DOIT pilot ZSI).
- WP7: 30 DOIT success stories, 5 newsletters, 3 scientific publications, more than 280 postings on diverse social media channels, presentation on 5 international conferences were produced in the first project year.
The OER strategy for DOIT project communication and results is implemented, DOIT\'s OER is a key aspect for research on exploitation activities that already started.
- WP8: 7 deliverables concerning the ethic review were submitted.

Final results

DOIT\'s five innovation areas are briefly summarised below, with the progress so far added:

Innovation area 1: Large scale tested materials to support entrepreneurship education of young people in makerspaces settings

Knowledge and good practices collected for the DOIT concept and co-creation approach.
- A preliminary collection of materials for children from 6 to 16 and facilitators is available.
- Evaluation approach and materials as well handbook for partners is available to collect needed data of about 1.000 children in the 2 pilot phases.

Innovation area 2: Elaborated experiences and comparison between different settings of entrepreneurship education within makerspaces
- Pilot activities by 11 practice partners within 10 countries are planned in detail and in respect to different settings (in school, in makerspaces) and target groups (children in rural areas, girls, children with disabilities, experienced children etc.)
- A short paper on existing experiences on how to reach more girls in maker spaces was presented as poster at the EduRobotics conference in Rome 2018.

Innovation area 3: Participation of children within EU projects at next level
- The DOIT Project Handbook includes strong participation of children in the steering of project activities.
- At 2 of the first 3 project management meetings youngster from 14 to 16 gave speeches and hosted a workshop for the consortium.

Innovation area 4: Spreading innovative entrepreneurship education throughout Europe
- First collection of 30 success stories of young social innovators under 16 years are available
- Project partners already gave five presentations about DOIT on international conference in Europe (DE, SE, NL, ES) and published three scientific papers.
- The project already reached about 6.000 researchers and 70.000 people from general public with its various communication and dissemination activities.

Innovation area 5: DOIT’s strict open license as well as OER (open educational resource) strategy goes beyond the current status quo of EU-funded projects
- Consortium Agreement signed with strong OER strategy, i.e. CC BY 4.0 for all textual content, CC BY ND 4.0 for images and audio-visual material.
- Project website and success stories are already released under CC BY 4.0 license
- Exploitation considerations and research focus on the specific aspect of DOIT\'s OER.

In future reports we will update and add more details on the progress in the innovation areas and subfields.

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