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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CHARIOT (Cognitive Heterogeneous Architecture for Industrial IoT)


CHARIOT will advance state of the art by providing a design method and cognitive computing platform supporting a unified approach towards Privacy, Security and Safety (PSS) of IoT Systems, that places devices and hardware at the root of trust, in turn contributing to high...


CHARIOT will advance state of the art by providing a design method and cognitive computing platform supporting a unified approach towards Privacy, Security and Safety (PSS) of IoT Systems, that places devices and hardware at the root of trust, in turn contributing to high security and integrity of industrial IoT as follows:
• A Privacy and Security Protection method building on concepts from state-of-the-art Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) technologies.
• A Blockchain ledger in which categories of IoT physical, operational and functional changes are both recorded and affirmed/approved.
• A fog-based decentralised infrastructure for Firmware and Operational Security integrity checking that leverages a Blockchain ledger to enhance physical, operational and functional security of IoT systems.
• An accompanying IoT Safety Supervision Engine providing a novel solution to the challenges of securing IoT data, devices and functionality.
• A Cognitive System and Method with accompanying supervision, analytics and prediction models.
• New methods and tools for static code analysis of IoT devices, resulting in more efficient secure and safer IoT software development and V&V.

-- Objectives:
-Specify a Methodological Framework for the Design and Operation of Secure and Safe IoT Applications addressing System Safety as a cross cutting concern.
-Develop an Open Cognitive IoT Architecture and Platform that exhibits intelligent safety behaviour in the diverse and complex ways in which the safety critical system and the IoT system will interact in a secure manner.
-Develop a runtime IoT Privacy, Security and Safety Supervision Engine (IPSE) which will act continuously to understand and monitor the cyber-physical ecosystem made up of the IoT components.
-Test and validate Industrial IoT safety in three Living Labs (LLs).
-Ensure scale up through wide dissemination, exploitation actions and Capacity Building.

Work performed

WP1, led by CEA, focuses on the methodological framework for the design and operation of secure IoT applications setting system safety as a main focal point. WP1 started with the classification and usage guidelines and relevant standards’ definition (task 1.1, D1.1) where all related to CHARIOT methodologies, security frameworks and standards were analysed and structured. At the same time, WP1 (task 1.1, D1.2) provided the analysis of the blockchain methodology that will be used for coupling private keys into components of IoT networks. Developments included the specialised analysis tools for more secure and safer IoT software development (task 1.3) and the CHARIOT design method and support tools (task1.4) including the search indexing and simulation tools.

WP2 led by CLMS started on M3 (March 2018) and develops the CHARIOT Open Cognitive IoT Architecture and Platform, providing the intelligent safety behaviour throughout the diverse and complex requirements that safety critical and IoT systems will interact in a secure manner. The design specification design provided the first version of the CHARIOT specifications and IoT architecture D2.1, M12. The design and implementation of the CHARIOT IoT cognitive platform has also progressed significantly with the provision of CHARIOT IoT Cognitive Platform (ver. 1, D2.2, M14. WP2 also provided that respective interface to IoT gateways and components (D2.3) and the security and blockchain implementations (D2.4).

WP3 led by IBM, develops the CHARIOT IoT Privacy, Security and Safety Supervision Engine (IPSE) as a set of novel runtime components acting in concert to understand and monitor the cyber-physical ecosystem made up of IoT gateways and devices, the safety critical systems and safety/security policy knowledge-base. The first outcomes of the WP3 are the Design specification of IPSE (preliminary design, D3.1) and IoT Privacy Engine based on PKI and Blockchain technologies (ver. 1, D3.2). Additionally, WP3 has produced the IoT Security Engine based on integrity checking with heuristic methods (ver. 1, D3.3), the IoT Safety Supervision Engine (ISSE) (ver. 1, D3.4) and A prototype IPSE Analytics Prediction model and relevant Dashboard (ver. 1, D3.5).

WP4 led by EBOS, tests and validates the Industrial IoT safety concept of CHARIOT into three Living Labs addressing different industrial areas in IoT safety: in transport (trains and airports) and in buildings. WP4 activities started, on M3 (March 2018) with the planning and preparatory activities for the three LLs initial activities, requirements and industrial cases extraction (task 4.1). Deployment activities in all three LLs have started during this reporting period. The connectivity to all three LLs has already started while we have started receiving the first results from all pilot sites.

WP5 is being led by ISC, ensures scale up through wide dissemination, exploitation actions and a Capacity Building Programme aiming at infrastructure sustainability, organisational development, and human capital development through training on the practical use of the CHARIOT Concepts, Capabilities and Offering.

WP6, led by ILS, includes administrative, technical, innovation and quality management for the smooth project execution.

Final results

-- State of the Art and Measurable Outputs:
1. New IoT security and privacy protection approach;10 scenarios, 4 patents
2. Specialized static analysis tools and >10 Forum participants
3. Methodological Framework; >10 use scenarios
4. Open IoT Architecture; M12
5. “Web-of-Things” environment; >200 users
6. Showcase innovative services; >3 external parties
7. Platform; >3 IoT Ecosystems
8. >10 APIs and/or service integration adaptors tested against 100’s of IoT devices in each LL
9. New security and privacy protection service; >3 scenarios.
10. Distributed Fog-based data processing; millions of facts / sec
11. Dashboard for post data analytics, prediction and security anomaly detection
12. Test and validate Industrial IoT safety in three LLs
13. Test new security and privacy protection service; 3 LLs, 20% improvement
14. Use cases and test data to the technical stream for the definition of an integrated end-to-end scenario
15. Formal specifications and impact assessment; >20% potential improvement in safety KPIs
16. 20 organisations participating in the LLs after M30
17. Adoption guide with exploitation actions and a Capacity Building Programme
18. Engage national CHARIOT coordinators for capacity building across EU
19. Organisation of at least 3 EU workshops
20. Minimum 6 journal publications
21. Standardisation of the cognitive architecture
22. Organise patent filings – 4 EU and US patent filings

-- Expected Impact:
-The CHARIOT IoT cognitive computing platform will extend best of breed platforms
-Enhance trust and acceptance of IoT
-New methods and tools for a more secure and safer IoT
-Systemic modelling for Risk control, and Resilience enhancement of IoT
-Predictive analytics for threats assessment
-Models for Knowledge Management and Sharing
-Advanced-intelligence dashboard
-Standardisation recommendations for securing data, objects, networks etc
-Contribute in the vision of the safety control systems
-Drive towards new safety certification guidelines
-Platform promoted internationally as premier platform for IoT in safety
-CHARIOT populated with IoT topologies and domain models
-Possibility for new/enhanced role of IoT in safety critical installations
-Open environment for development of new cognitive IoT applications

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