Astropreneurs addresses a challenge currently faced in Europe as a consequence of the different national and ESA technology transfer initiatives: even if the number of BICs and incubators supporting space related business is growing, with the huge Europe’s potential, it is...
Astropreneurs addresses a challenge currently faced in Europe as a consequence of the different national and ESA technology transfer initiatives: even if the number of BICs and incubators supporting space related business is growing, with the huge Europe’s potential, it is urgent to inspire more and more entrepreneurs to turn space-related business ideas into commercial endeavours and to promote opportunities for startups coming from space and non-space sectors. For an entrepreneur it is a tough challenge to move from an initial idea to actually develop a successful and viable startup company.
Astropreneurs is an acceleration programme boosted by a network of networks, leveraged by the support of ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme (TTPO) and its networks: the ESA’s BIC network and the Technology Transfer Network (TTN) - all Astropreneurs’ members belong to at least one of these networks. IPN, STFC, Aerospace Valley, CESAH and CzechInvest all manage their corresponding National ESA BICs and have so far supported more than 360 space-related startups. Verhaert, Brimatech, KIMBCN, but also IPN, STFC, and CESAH belong to ESA Brokers’ Network, and have worked with more than 200 space-related technologies in downstream applications and markets.
Astropreneurs Space Startup Accelerator supports entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs, coming from space and non-space sectors, to create viable business cases and have faster markets approaches by mentoring them on businesses and technical needs, helping them to access private and public funding, but also to overcome the financial, administrative and networking barriers, that are now preventing them from more success in the commercial phases. Providing business, technical and funding support, 150 space-related startups will be supported with 50 hours of mentoring/each (in average) over a 3 months period, according to their pre-assessed needs and involving up to 100 mentors, with proven experience in the needed areas.
Period: 1st January 2018 to 3st March 2109 > 15 months
WP1: BRI established the criteria to scount the information for the database and its requirements; along with KIM the database was implemented on the website, using HubSpot and generating a map, that covers 20 EU countries. A total of 1194 organizations were mapped: 849 startups, 199 incubators and 146 acceletators.
D1.1 and D1.2 were submitted.
WP2: The call for startups, call for mentors and mentoring implemetation processes were defined by STFC, along with all the necessary documetation and eligibility and selection criteria defined. After 2 cut-off dates, 45 startups were selected, 69 mentors accepted and 375 hour of mentoring performend. A training plan for the selected startups is planned.
D2.1 was submitted on month-9, rejected, reviwed and re-submited on month-12. D2.2-was due and submitted on month-12.
WP3: AV coordinated the mapping of funding opportunities in 11 EU countries, 143 funding instruments were identified. As a result of the mentoring activities on funding, there were 9 applications submitted, requesting 1205000€ and obtaining 250000€. In addition, 8 training events are planned, focusing on specific funding instruments and opportunities.
D3.1 was submitted.
WP4: VH identified the relevant space and non-space network relevant to the space economy/ecosystem and established the action plan to mobilized, cluster and connect them. VH has attended relevant events and scheduled meeting with stakeholders with strategic international networks (EBN, EEN, NEREUS, F6S, ESA,...)
To be also highlighted the networking with relevante EU projects, such as HATCH and STARTUP EUROPE.; whith SPACE UP there is a cooperation process implemented, framed by a MoU signed bewtween both projects and several concrete actions with results. A webinar was organized and the training plan for non-space skilled organizations planned.
D4.1, D4.2 and D 4.4 were submitted.
WP5: KIM defined and implemented the coomunication and disselination plans. Communication tools included: brand identity tool kit, website with a total of 3156 users; social media presence in Facebook - 308 likes, Twitter – 172 followers and LinkedIn-95 followers; 1 press release was sent; a communication kit provided Regarding the dissemination tools, 2 newsletters were released reaching 650 persons, with a 38% opening rate; partners participated in 65 events and will organize 2 events, in the end of 2019 in mid-2020; the social media reached 575 persons.
D5.1 and D5.2 were submitted on month-5 and rejected; they were reviewed and re-submitted on month-12. D5.3 was submitted on month-5 and accepted.
WP6: IPN hosted the kick-off meeting in Coimbra-PT - month 1; KIM hosted the 2nd in Barcelona-ES - month 7 and AV hosted the 3rd in Toulouse-FR - month 13. All project the other board meetings are scheduled and venues defined. Monthly meetings are being held on the first Monday of each month, using Skype. IPN uses email, slack, skype and phone contacts with all partners on a daily basis. The first advisory board meeting was done by telco during the 2nd project meeting and in the 3rd meeting one of the members (EEN) gave a talk to partners. IPN made the 1st payment to all partners.
Conclusion: Activities are being ongoing as expected, initially with some delay in submitting deliverables. 11 deliverbles were submitted in this 1st half of the project. On the 1st technical review meeting, 3 deliverables were rejected; partners reviewed, improved and resubmitted them.
Astropreneurs Space Startup Accelerator supports entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs. 150 space-related startups will be supported with 50 hours of mentoring/each (in average), according to their pre-assessed needs and involving up to 100 mentors, with experience in the needed areas. Up to 7500 hours of mentoring will be provided. As a direct impact we also expect that statups will be able to submit 25 apllications to funding schemes , requesting a total of 20 million euros.
- After the 2 first cut-off dates, 45 startups were selected to join the mentoring programme and 69 mentors accepted.
- Until now 375 hours of mentoring were provided, addressing business technical and funding needs.
- As a result of the mentoring on funding, 7 startups submitted a total of 9 applications to funding schemes, requesting 1205000€ and obtaining 250000€.
- A training plan is defined, offering 16 sessions, focused on space technologies, space data application, space-related and also about funding for space.
The Space Economy Astropreneurs Network is a network of networks, joining industries, research institutions, startups, incubators, accelerators, investors, inventors and entrepreneurs, putting then together to foster innovation and collaborative work at the space ecosystem, feeding both space and non-space markets. This Network will amplify and follow-up the support given, and will reach up to 500 entrepreneurs in several training and networking events.
- The most relevant actors of space entrepreneurship are identified (regional support networks and strategic international networks) and an action plan is defined to connect them.
- There will be 8 outreach sessions targeted to non-space skilled incubators and business centres, along with 16 one-to-one sessions also dedicated to these organizations. A webinar was already organized and 3 one-to-one sessions done.
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