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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PRYSTINE (Programmable Systems for Intelligence in Automobiles)


The automation of vehicles – ultimately aiming at fully autonomous driving – has been identified as one major enabler to master the Grand Societal Challenges “Individual Mobility” and “Energy Efficiency”. Highly automated driving functions (ADF) are one major step...


The automation of vehicles – ultimately aiming at fully autonomous driving – has been identified as one major enabler to master the Grand Societal Challenges “Individual Mobility” and “Energy Efficiency”. Highly automated driving functions (ADF) are one major step to be taken.
One of the major challenges to successfully realizing highly automated driving is the step from SAE Level-2 (Partial automation) to SAE Levels-3 (Conditional automation) and above. At level-3, the driver remains available as a fallback option in the event of a failure in the automation chain, or if the ADF reaches its operational boundaries. At higher levels, the driver cannot be relied upon to intervene in a timely and appropriate manner, and consequently, the automation must be capable of handling safety-critical situations on its own.
For this, fail-operational behavior is essential in the sense, plan, and act stages of the automation chain. PRYSTINE\'s main target is to realize Fail-operational Urban Surround perceptION (FUSION), which is based on robust Radar and LiDAR sensor fusion, and control functions in order to enable safe automated driving in urban and rural environments.
The PRYSTINE project\'s strategy to achieve its main target consists of four key technical objectives. While these four technical objectives address different levels (components, control systems, architectures and function) of the automation chain, the non-technical objectives address market/social/technological impacts and “European Values”.
Objective 1: Enhanced reliability and performance, cost and power of FUSION components
Objective 2: Dependable embedded control by co-integration of signal processing and AI approaches for FUSION
Objective 3: Optimized E/E architecture enabling FUSION-based automated vehicles
Objective 4: Fail-operational systems for urban and rural environments based on FUSION
Objective 5: Competitive advantage for European industry
Objective 6: Increased user acceptance of automated driving functions

Work performed

\"Objective 1: Enhanced reliability and performance, cost and power of FUSION components
During the first 12 months of the PRYSTINE project, the Supply Chain 1 activities focused on WP1, WP2, and WP3.
Objective 2: Dependable embedded control by co-integration of signal processing and AI approaches for FUSION
Towards the achievement of objective 2, below we report about the SC2 demonstrators where work is ongoing are:
• Demo 2.1: Fail-operational autonomous driving platform (FOADP) by TTT & TTTA & TTTDE & IFAG
• Demo 2.2: Drive-by-wire car (DWC) by EDI.
• Demo 2.3: Heavy duty track (HDT) by UTU, Tecnalia and TTS in cooperation with VTT
• Demo 2.4: Passenger vehicle for low speed autonomy (PVLSA) by VIF.
Objective 3: Optimized E/E architecture enabling FUSION-based automated vehicles
A vehicle equipped with an intent to be driven autonomously must be capable of sensing its environment, deal with the collected data, analyze it and react accordingly. These actions require constant support by an E/E system, which is able to incorporate the needed components, the data transfers and must be computationally capable to perform the necessary calculations. In order to satisfy such a functionality with a fail-operational aspect in consideration, three demonstrators are incorporated into SC3. This SC is working in direction of achieving the overall objective 3 of the project.
Demo 3.1 - E/E architecture demonstrator for automotive electronics enabling automated driving
Demo 3.2 - Simulation, development and validation framework for fail-operational sensor-fusion E/E architecture.
Demo 3.3 - Dynamically shaped, reliable mobile communication
Objective 4: Fail-operational systems for urban and rural environments based on FUSION
During the first year of the project following studies are carried out within the scope of SC4, SC5 and SC6 that collectively work towards achieving objective 4:
a.Lidar sensor data augmentation
b.Back Maneuvering Assist
c.Vulnerable Road User (VRU) Detection
e.Traffic Management
f.SuperSight (CiThruS)
g.Compute architecture for multi-sensor data fusion
h.Requirements of the heavy duty demonstrator are described by the SC5 partners; Ford, AVLTR, VIF, ITI, AnyWi and Innoluce.
i.Use cases and scenarios associated with the use cases are extracted and defined in the requirements.
j.The sensor setup of the heavy duty demonstrator is defined.
k.The test track layout is defined with respect to the use cases taking a real docking station and construction zone into account.
l.\"\"Traffic light time-to-green\"\" (DEMO6.1)
m.\"\"VRU Detection and Trajectory Recognition\"\" (DEMO6.2)
n. \"\"Driver Monitoring and Emergency Manoeuvre\"\" (DEMO6.3)

Final results

Regarding achieving objectives 1-4, the consortium has already sketched a very detailed collaboration matrix, which is provided to the reviewers, explaining how the various SCs work together, what each SC expects from the other, when is the foreseen delivery date and towards which SC.
In this respect, there is already a very clear plan on how to move forward and what to expect, so as to contribute to overall achieving all PRYSTINE objectives in the end of the project.
Concerning the non-technical objectives, work can be reported as follows:
Objective 5: Competitive advantage for European industry
The work in the context of SC8 that contributes to reaching Objective.5 has not yet started officially, as it depends on (And uses inputs from) the Objectives 1-4, so as to collectively work towards providing a competitive advantage to the European industry.
Furthermore, the advantage will be made realistic after the first results start coming out. However, partners within SC8 have been following the PRYSTINE meetings on a normal basis, so as to facilitate the acquisition of all necessary inputs, as described in the DoA.
It is expected that the first contributions of how objective 6 is being reached, will be reported after M24.
Objective 6: Increased user acceptance of automated driving functions
In the first year of the project the focus of the impact supply chain SC9 “FUSION’s impact on vehicle and road safety” was on the safety related specifications and requirements for the demonstrators developed in SC5 and SC6. The related work was carried out in the tasks 1.6 and 1.7.
Moreover, SC10 that also contributes to objective 6 has not yet started.

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