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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SYS GAM 2018 (Systems ITD)


While systems and equipment account for a small part of the aircraft weight they play a central role in aircraft operation, flight optimisation, and air transport safety, cost and environmental performance at different levels:• Direct contributions to environmental...


While systems and equipment account for a small part of the aircraft weight they play a central role in aircraft operation, flight optimisation, and air transport safety, cost and environmental performance at different levels:
• Direct contributions to environmental objectives: optimised green trajectories, electrical taxiing, more electrical aircraft architectures, which have a direct impact on CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, perceived noise, air quality, weight.
• Enablers for other innovations: for example, “bleedless” power generation and, actuators, are necessary steps for the implementation of innovative engines or new aircraft configurations.
• Enablers for air transport system optimisation: many of the major improvements identified in SESAR, NextGen and Clean Sky for greening, improved mobility or ATS efficiency can only be reached through the development and the integration of on-board systems such as data link, advanced weather systems, trajectory negotiation, and flight management predictive capabilities.
• Smart answers to market demands: systems and equipment have to increase their intrinsic performance to meet new aircraft needs without a corresponding increase in weight and volume: kW/kg, flux/dm3 are key indicators of systems innovation.

The Systems ITD in Clean Sky 2 will address these challenges through the following actions:
• Work on specific topics and technologies to design and develop individual equipment and systems and demonstrate them in local test benches and integrated demonstrators (up to TRL 5). The main technological domains to be addressed are [1] cockpit environment and mission management, [2] aircraft communication platform and networks, [3] innovative wing systems (WIPS, sensors, and actuators), [4] landing gears, [5] the full chain of electrical power generation, distribution and usage and [6] Cabin and Cargo systems technologies. The outcomes will be demonstrated system architectures ready to be customized and integrated in larger settings. An important part of this work will be to identify potential synergies between future aircraft at an early stage to reduce duplication.
• Hand-over of individual technologies or systems to the IADPs for customisation, integration and maturation in large scale [flying] demonstrators. This will enable fully integrated demonstrations in IADPs and the assessment of benefits in representative conditions, including the progress towards the Clean Sky 2 high-level goals to be monitored through the Technology Evaluator.
• Transverse actions will also be defined to mature processes and technologies with potential impact on all systems, either during development or operational use. Examples of these transverse actions are development tools and simulation, eco-design etc.

Work performed

In 2018, several cockpit technologies reached maturity level 3 to 5. Examples are voice recognition, certified avionics displays and the enhanced terrain & obstacle awareness system.
The cabin and cargo technologies completed their first year of activities. Specifications and architectures for all research areas were defined as solid basis for future work.
The Smart Integrated Wing Demonstrator completed its mechanical and electrical set-up including a new remote electronics network. First test units of an electro-mechanical actuator for primary flight controls could be manufactured.
Equally, important parts of the direct drive wheel actuator for landing gear systems have been produced and functional validation was started.
The health monitoring solution for the Innovative Electrical Network reached a maturity level 4. Critical technology bricks for the power-electronic-modules that will establish the power management centre have achieved the maturity level 4 as well.
A successful preliminary design review of the electrical environmental control system has been passed and the final architecture will be frozen early 2019. In parallel, sensor and filtration components to enable higher air re-circulation in the adaptive environmental control system were completed as test units and readied for test bench integration.
In the area of Small Air Transportation, progress in many technology bricks has been made. Design reviews could be passed for example for electro mechanical actuation, electrical power distribution, flight control computer.
Transversal activities on electronics progressed in all five work packages, focussing on power electronics, electrical architectures, electrical drives, electrical machines and reliability and packaging technologies. Meanwhile the transversal activity about an integrated simulation framework delivered the core simulation environment at maturity level 5 including functions to enable a collaborative, open and adaptable design process.

Final results

This Grant represents the continuation of the Clean Sky 2 programme’s Systems (Integrated Technology Demonstration) started in 2014 and planned to be lasting until end of 2023.
The objectives include on one side direct contributions to reduce the environmental impact of aircraft systems during operations and production or maintenance. On the other side, the objective is in particular to enable new configurations and designs of aircraft that allow for a much lower fuel consumption (less CO2, NOx) and noise impact.
In addition, the innovations created serve to foster the competitiveness of the European systems suppliers industry, as well as improve safety and comfort for all citizens taking advantage of air transportation.
At the end of this Grant almost all technologies addressed will have realised hardware prototypes to start testing the various innovations.
At the end of the programme most technologies will be matured by testing and demonstrations up to a point where their practical potentials and implications in future serial aircraft developments become clear.

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