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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ALS2 (AcidLess Separation 2.0)


The goal of our project was to develop an upscale (200kg approximately) and downscale (20kg approximately) version of the already existing ALS® plant, able to accommodate the refinery process of gold, silver, platinum and iridium resources such as other critical raw materials...


The goal of our project was to develop an upscale (200kg approximately) and downscale (20kg approximately) version of the already existing ALS® plant, able to accommodate the refinery process of gold, silver, platinum and iridium resources such as other critical raw materials of key industrial relevance (WEEEs), promoting and improving a circular supply chain. We firmly believe that ALS2.0 technology will completely change the state of art of precious metal refinery industry, which last innovation is dated 1883, and characterized by too many inefficiencies as an excessive use of chemicals or other dangerous substances and great losses of raw material.
Our main commercial objective was to create awareness on ALS2.0 technology between our customers and potential ones. To summarize our customers operate into precious metal refinery and jewellery supply chain and 98% of our revenues come from export sales.

Work performed

The main challenge is to educate potential technology users on benefits of ALS2.0 and how disruptive this technology is compared to traditional ones, for this reason our business development department had to travel worldwide to meet potential customers and participate to specific conferences and exhibition organized, for example, by LBMA association, to meet with potential ALS2.0 users and better understand their needs. These conferences are a very good opportunity to pitch about ALS2.0 technology with a broader audience as happened during LBMA conference of last March. Specific training sessions with our business development department were needed, that is why we had to organize workshops at our headquarter with freelance experts.
We focused our commercial efforts also on the study of the e-waste market, studying the local and the European regulation and drafting a benefits-costs analysis.
From the technical point of view the first stage of the project was spent to outline the objectives and the potential constraints of the project.
Based on our knowledge of the vacuum distillation process and the stringent constraints on the material selection, one of the first activities have been focusing to test different materials.
Afterwards an analysis of the state-of-the-art technology of the vacuum melting equipment has been carried out. A benchmark analysis of the main players in the field has been done by consulting different sources.
In addition some patent surveys and scientific background research using on-line databases have been done with the aim to collect ideas and in the meantime to avoid potential conflict with pending patents.
The main aim was to collect ideas helpful to generate some concepts for the ALS2.0, especially with regards to two main subsystems that are the pouring system and the condenser design.
After such first phases, the concepts have been analyzed and then screened in order to define the solutions to be adopted for the scale-down and scale-up version of the ALS 2.0. Finally, the requirements of the chosen concepts have been specified.
As far as concerning the melting and pouring system, the chosen concept for both the versions is a tilting melting setup actuated through chains able to operate both under vacuum conditions to allow the distillation phase and in open air to make possible the pouring operation with the operator monitoring.
It must be said that while the tilting feature can be considered a nearly standard system in the industry, the compatibility with two different environments at a certain extent opposite to each other require challenging solutions that must be deeply studied.
The picture below (Fig.1) illustrates the concept of the melting and pouring system, which is basically composed by a tiltable melting unit equipped with an automated metal pouring device and a shielding system that prevents the graphite crucible oxidation.

In order to better understand the theoretical basis of the vacuum distillation process a deep investigation of the theory has been conducted, which has led to develop a simulation model of the process.
With regards to the condenser, after the preliminary screening phase we have opted for a condensing system able to convey the distillate in liquid form into a second collecting crucible where it can be conveniently used for the following treatments. Below (Fig.2) a sketch of the selected condenser concept is presented.
Subsequently the two melting units and the upgraded condensers have been engineered, describing the technical specifications and requirements.
Regarding the condensers we have developed a testing procedure to quantitatively evaluate the performances and the benefits in comparison with the previous design.
Recently the melting and pouring unit has been assembled and then tested. Despite some issues that are still under investigation, but that we are going to solve, the preliminary results have been positive and make us confident that the selected con

Final results

For the next 10 months and beyond we are expecting to engage additional conversation with our target customers, and collect feedbacks and suggestions from conversations already wired. We are also planning to organize open houses at our headquarters once prototypes will be completed.

Regarding the e-waste market development, the main obstacle is its broadness and heterogeneous composition, so further studies and conversations with market players and experts are needed to better address our commercial and technical efforts.

On the technical side next months will be focused on the testing and validation of the upgraded version of the condenser and its integration into the whole system. The trials will be conducted using firstly ternary alloys Cu-Ag-Zn, then multicomponent alloy containing at least 4 elements and containing Pb which is a common element that is usually contained in the WEEE (Wasted Electronic Electrical Equipment).
These trials will give us important information on the viability of the technology in treating different raw material, therefore widening the potential market and the applicability of the technology.

For what concerning the distillation of the gold-based alloy, the decision whether run or not the testing will be taken in a second moment. Most likely they will be tested at the user’s site where the units will be installed for field testing and validation.

Our ultimate goal will always be making this industry greener: reducing pollution coming from chemical substances usage and, on parallel, to increase the quantity of precious metals coming from e-waste recycling.

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