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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BioBalanced (Feasibility study for Bioapplications – BioBalanced Farm probiotic)


Global demand for farm probiotics is rising, and it is driven by the changing eating habits, and the Antibiotics Resistance Crises, followed by the development of European Union (EU) regulations that restrict the use of antibiotics in the farming sector. Currently-existing...


Global demand for farm probiotics is rising, and it is driven by the changing eating habits, and the Antibiotics Resistance Crises, followed by the development of European Union (EU) regulations that restrict the use of antibiotics in the farming sector. Currently-existing probiotic solutions are limited and unable to meet global demand since they are unable to combat harmful bacteria.
Bioapplications developed a solution that takes a new, innovative approach to fight harmful bacteria that cause illnesses in livestock. BioBalanced Farm Probiotics (BBFP) developed by Bioapplications is offering a disruptive technology, preventing the development and growth of such bacteria.
Contrary to existing solutions, probiotics developed by Bioapplications also prevents bacteria mutation and the development of resistant bacteria. By using natural means to control microbiological environment, this newly developed solution improves the welfare of livestock, quality of food products, and environmental sustainability in the agro-sector.

Work performed

There is an unparalleled opportunity for Bioapplications in the four identified target countries of Denmark, Finland, Germany, and the Netherlands, with a total market size of 31.8 million m2 and estimated annual revenue of €60 million. During the five years of commercialisation, Bioapplications plans to capture a remarkable 8% of the total available market.
At the same time, BBFP upholds the EU-wide vision for a healthier world while being competitively advantageous. There is no other probiotic solution with such far-reaching effects on the general well-being of society – the adaptability, composition, and functionalities of BBFP go above and beyond those of any other solutions on the market.

Final results

BioBalanced Farm Probiotics goes well beyond the state of the art. This mist-system compatible solution displays high adaptability as it is possible to incorporate it into the ventilation system. Furthermore, it has a unique composition that maximises the health benefits for the livestock and the customer, all the while minimising environmental impact. Lastly, no other solution currently on the market offers such a vast array of functionalities, fighting viral infections, three types of different harmful bacteria, boosting the immune system, improving the quality of air, and managing bad odours. These can have much wider societal implications, as BioBalanced Farm Probiotics improves the welfare of livestock, quality of food products, and ensures the environmental sustainability of the agro-sector.

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