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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - COSMOS-Fenix (Process for the reuse of fly ash derived from waste thermal treatments as substitution of critical and toxic flame retardants in the plastic manufacturing.)


Cosmos-Fenix® (CF) is the trademark name of the patented process owned by Velaworks for the inerting of hazardous Air Pollution Control (APC) and Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) ashes, converting them into valuable secondary raw material (powder) that can be used as filler and...


Cosmos-Fenix® (CF) is the trademark name of the patented process owned by Velaworks for the inerting of hazardous Air Pollution Control (APC) and Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) ashes, converting them into valuable secondary raw material (powder) that can be used as filler and flame retardant in plastics production. The easy and inexpensive inerting process gives an effective answer to the huge problem of replacing Antimony and Bromine in the plastics production process with a very price competitive flame retardant characterized by very interesting flame resistant and strength properties.

In order to industrialize and commercialize the technology, Velaworks needs to:
• demonstrate the V0 grade for UL-94 standard, which attests the fire resistance capability of the material;
• quantify the CAPEX and OPEX for a first pre-industrial CF production line manufacturing;
• seal partnerships with value chain key partners such as plant units suppliers, plastics manufacturing companies, APC and FGD ashes producers, plastics producers associations, investors;
• select a validation site where installing the pre-industrial CF production line;
• assembly and test the pre-industrial CF production line in order to validate the industrial production feasibility;
• certify the final product;
• protect the new intellectual property generated and launching the technology to prospective investors;
• develop and implement the go-to-market and commercialization strategy.

Work performed

The SME-Instrument Phase 1 project constituted the first step towards the achievement of the Velaworks targets for industrializing Cosmos-Fenix technology and was focused on the following main activities:
1. Testing the material to demonstrate the V0 grade achievement;
2. Bill of Material definition and Cost of Production quantification for the prototypal CF manufacturing line;
3. Supply chain optimization;
4. Selection of the final validation site;
5. Update of the market assessment and quantification of the Total Addressable Market;
6. Agreements sealed with key partners and preliminary meetings with ashes suppliers, end-users, customers, production partners, universities for performance certifications, plastics producers\' associations;
7. Definition of the final executive business model and of the go-to-market strategy, of the Risk Mitigation analysis and IPR management strategy;
8. Definition of the Phase 2 project workplan and quantification of the budget to be allocated.

Final results

COSMOS Fenix® solution provides the final solution for the plastic manufacturing companies for replacing Antimony-based flame retardants in their production processes.
CF provides the following benefits:
• while market prices of the traditional flame retardants fluctuate between 400 to 800 €/ton, CF can be sold stably at a price of 380 €/ton, with average 35% savings for plastic manufacturers, granting to EU plastic manufactures sector savings of the order of 100-200 M€/year and safe availability in the long term.
• Metals present in CF are completely inert as shown by results of leaching tests performed also after several cycles of materials recycle and CF powder used as flame retardant does not require any modification to the plastic manufacturing process, as already tested at pilot scale with plastic manufactures.

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