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Institutions leader of H2020 projects from Faroe Islands

This page lists the Institutions from Faroe Islands with the role of coordinator in the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.

Click on table headers to rearrange data.

# institution  number of projects  total cost  total contribution.  average contrib. 
1 SPF FRAMA 1 71˙429 50˙000 50˙000
2 SPF BLUE OCEAN 1 71˙429 50˙000 50˙000
3 CHRISTIANSEN SUNI 1 71˙429 50˙000 50˙000
4 SPF LOGPH 1 71˙429 50˙000 50˙000
5 SP/F GREENARC 1 71˙429 50˙000 50˙000
6 SP/F KPT 1 71˙429 50˙000 50˙000
7 SP/F DELIVER 1 71˙429 50˙000 50˙000
# totale 7 500˙003 € 350˙000 € -