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H2020 projects about "civic"

The page lists 65 projects related to the topic "civic".

# achronym  title  year 
1 OrganiCity OrganiCity – Co-creating smart cities of the future 2015
2 TransSOL European paths to transnational solidarity at times of crisis: Conditions, forms, role-models and policy responses 2015
3 EcoDA Experimental co-Design Approaches: Investigating possibilities for creating networks of resilient citizens and civic actions of urban resilience through hybrid platforms 2015
4 ENGAGE Encouraging Network Generation’s Accountability and Global Engagement 2015
5 CMCG Engaging Urban Youth: Community, Citizenship, and Democracy 2016
6 REINVEST Financing Affordable Housing Under Localism 2015
7 GREYZONE Illuminating the 'Grey Zone': Addressing Complex Complicity in Human Rights Violations 2015
8 INTERACT INTerEthnic Relationships in contemporAry CommuniTies: How does ethnoracial diversity affect in- and out-group trust, solidarity, and cooperation 2015
9 DATACTIVE Data activism: The politics of big data according to civil society 2015
10 UEWC Ubiqutek Electrical Weed Control (UEWC): An advanced electrical weed control device to be integrated with existing agricultural equipment, yielding a zero chemical, organic result at a reduced cost 2015
11 COMPROP Computational Propaganda:Investigating the Impact of Algorithms and Bots on Political Discourse in Europe 2016
12 FIRSTTIME That Special First Time - Boosting Turnout and Satisfaction amongst First Time Voters 2016
13 EMPATIA Enabling Multichannel PArticipation Through ICT Adaptations 2016
14 U_CODE Urban Collective Design Environment: A new tool for enabling expert planners to co-create and communicate with citizens in urban design 2016
15 COURAGE Cultural Opposition: Understanding the Cultural Heritage of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries 2016
16 COHESIFY The Impact of Cohesion Policy on EU Identification 2016
17 WeGovNow Towards We-Government: Collective and participative approaches for addressing local policy challenges 2016
18 ROUFER Eighteenth-century republicanism and the critique of commercial society: the case of Rousseau and Ferguson 2017
19 RELOCAL Resituating the local in cohesion and territorial development 2016
20 COMPUS Civic community and public space in the ancient Near East. The case of Hittite Anatolia at the end of the Late Bronze Age (14th-13th centuries BCE). 2017
21 HETEROPOLITICS Refiguring the Common and the Political 2017
22 IKETIS The Mediation of Climate Change Induced Migration. Implications for meaningful media discourse and empowerment of key intermediaries to raise public awareness 2017
23 ConscriptedVolunteer Conscripted Volunteering: An Ethnographic Study of Community Engagement Schemes in the Israeli Military 2017
24 SOPRISEKEN The Socialization of Private Sector Elites in Kenya 2017
25 RUSNAT Russian Nationalism and the Ukraine Crisis: The Impact of Nationalist Actors on Russian Foreign Policy 2017
26 SUNRISE Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods - Research and Implementation Support in Europe 2017
27 ROCK Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities 2017
28 MINDb4ACT Mapping, IdentifyiNg and Developing skills and opportunities in operating environments to co-create innovative, ethical and effective ACTions to tackle radicalization leading to violent extremism 2017
29 CONNECTING Nature COproductioN with NaturE for City Transitioning, INnovation and Governance 2017
30 PENSUMO Savings Loyalty System Based on Micro-Contributions from Retailers 2017
31 ECHOES European Colonial Heritage Modalities in Entangled Cities 2018
32 RISK Republics on the Stage of Kings. Representing Republican State Power in the Europe of Absolute Monarchies (late 16th - early 18th century) 2018
33 SCHOOLPOL The Transformation of Post-War Education: Causes and Effects 2018
34 ReaLsMs Real Smart City 2017
35 CRAFT To Craft an Authoritarian Regime: Politicisation of Civil Society and the Judiciary in Turkey 2019
36 PublicApp Revolutionise and enhance citizen engagement through a unique dedicated public platform 2018
37 MISFIRES Misfires and Market Innovation: Toward a Collaborative Turn in Organising Markets 2018
38 ACElab Alpine Community Economies Lab: Bringing together multi-level stakeholders to co-produce sustainable alpine futures in the light of economic globalisation and climate change 2019
39 TokAthe Tokens and their Cultural Biography in Athens from the Classical Age to the End of Antiquity 2018
40 IslamExpertEducation Educating Islamic experts in Western Europe: Between traditional and academized forms of knowledge formation and authority 2019
41 PEREDEP Promoting E-Rulemaking in the EU through Deliberative Procedures 2018
42 ReAct Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe 2019
43 GLOBEGOV The Rise of Global Environmental Governance:A History of the Contemporary Human-Earth Relationship 2018
44 EMBEDDIA Cross-Lingual Embeddings for Less-Represented Languages in European News Media 2019
45 PaCE Populism And Civic Engagement – a fine-grained, dynamic, context-sensitive and forward-looking response to negative populist tendencies 2019
46 BRaVE Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism and Polarisation 2019
47 MICADO Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards 2019
48 RISE_SMA RISE Social Media Analytics 2019
49 AI4EU A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem 2019
50 MUSSILAMS Mussila MS (Mussila Music School) - An innovative solution in Music Education 2019
51 MeMuRu Places of Remembrance in Muslim Russia: Islamic Heritage and Moral Landscapes 2019
52 NIKOMEDIA New Tetrarchic Reliefs from Nikomedia: Uncovering the Colorful Life of Diocletian’s Lost Capital 2019
53 MEMORIGHTS Cultural Memory in LGBT Activism for Rights 2019
54 GANDALF Gamification and Datafication towards Learning Forecasting 2019
55 Narratives4Change Capitalising Public Narratives in the organising of Grassroots Roma Women 2019
56 HubCities Governing urban diversity through culture and higher education: Learning from Doha and Singapore. 2019
57 WIRE2019 Explore, Create and Innovate in your region 2019
58 PHERECLOS Partnerships for pathways to Higher Education and science engagement in Regional Clusters of Open Schooling 2019
59 ArtsAutonomy The Arts of Autonomy: Pamphleteering, Popular Philology, and the Public Sphere, 1988-2018 2020
61 WELCOME Multiple Intelligent Conversation Agent Services for Reception, Management and Integration of Third Country Nationals in the EU 2020
62 LITCOM Literary Activism in sub-Saharan Africa: Commons, Publics and Networks of Practice 2020
63 WeCount WeCount: Citizens Observing UrbaN Transport 2019
64 URBS The Historic Urban Landscape of European Cathedral Cities: a transnational approach towards an understanding of a shared European heritage 2020
65 BV Building Vienna 2020